Saison 3

26 épisodes

(4 h 46 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5


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The Story of Nelson's Nephew Nigel

S3 E1 The Story of Nelson's Nephew Nigel

Nelson's naughty nephew comes to stay with him and causes chaos wherever he goes. The mischievous little elephant soon learns the importance of the rainy season on the savannah.

The Story of Georgina Queen of Fashion

S3 E2 The Story of Georgina Queen of Fashion

Georgina has become a trendsetter and all the animals compete to match her latest fad. When the animals decide to hold a fashion show, Georgina realises how ridiculous the situation has become.

The Story of Lily's Little Brother

S3 E3 The Story of Lily's Little Brother

Lily is very upset by the arrival of a new egg in the nest. She is jealous of the attention her mother and everyone else pays it. Lily tries to teach the egg a lesson but is surprised to discover she does love him after all become.

The Story of The Big Billabong Wave

S3 E4 The Story of The Big Billabong Wave

Joey and his friends are eager to learn to surf after Carrie the Cockatoo tells them of her holidays by the beach. The only problem is, there aren't many waves on the billabong. Are any of the young animals patient enough to wait for the legendary billabong wave Wally Two Trees has told them about?

The Story of Toby's New House

S3 E5 The Story of Toby's New House

Cartoon series about Lucy, who lives next door to a zoo and every night is told a story by the animals. When the animals on the savannah spring clean and redecorate their homes, Toby the Tortoise gets upset as there isn't much he can do to his shell. He soon realises that perhaps his old shell was perfect after all.

The Story of Jamie The Littlest Puffin

S3 E6 The Story of Jamie The Littlest Puffin

Jamie is the littlest puffin on Mossy Bay Island who often sucks his feather. The other puffins and Hercule Moustache all try to help him stop the habit.

The Story of Ronald's Swimming Lesson

S3 E7 The Story of Ronald's Swimming Lesson

The animals are setting off on a picnic, but how are they going to get Ronald across the river? Ronald learns to swim with the help of his friends.

The Story of the Puffin's Treasure

S3 E8 The Story of the Puffin's Treasure

The puffins are confused as to why items appear and disappear on the beach. Hercule Moustache helps them understand.

The Story of Victor's Bad Teeth Day

S3 E9 The Story of Victor's Bad Teeth Day

Victor the crocodile refuses to brush his teeth. Eventually his mouth gets so dirty the other animals have to take action and help him clean them.

The Story of Snowbert's New Friend

S3 E10 The Story of Snowbert's New Friend

When Snowbert and Sidney have an argument, Snowbert builds a new friend out of ice.

The Story of the Play and Splash Pool

S3 E11 The Story of the Play and Splash Pool

Joey has built himself a play pool, but he is upset when the other animals ruin it. What can they do to make amends to their friend?

The Story of Melanie's Little Helpers

S3 E12 The Story of Melanie's Little Helpers

Melanie is not very good at turning on her snowboard. Luckily, Randolph the racoon has an ingenious plan to help her.

The Story of Joey's Sleepover

S3 E13 The Story of Joey's Sleepover

Joey's mum and dad are going out so Joey is going to Phoebe's for a sleepover. He learns how to adapt to other people's routines and way of life.

The Story of The Jungle Pie

S3 E14 The Story of The Jungle Pie

Kevin is a very fussy eater. Georgina decides to make an amazing Jungle Pie to show Kevin just what he is missing when he refuses to try new foods.

The Story of Jazz The Carnival King

S3 E15 The Story of Jazz The Carnival King

Jazz is too proud to admit he can't dance, so Adam and the others find a clever way to teach the stubborn jaguar some new moves.

The Story of Patsy The Porcupine

S3 E16 The Story of Patsy The Porcupine

The savannah animals take Patsy for granted as she always tidies up after them. What happens when she has a fall and hurts herself?

The Story of the Together Stones

S3 E17 The Story of the Together Stones

Wally Two Trees gives the animals a special stone each to bring them together. Only it doesn't, it just makes them fight. Or does it?

The Story of Thelma the Whale

S3 E18 The Story of Thelma the Whale

Thelma is feeling left out so Jamie the puffin invites her to play in Mossy Bay. The other residents are less pleased about her visit - she is far too big for Mossy Bay! So big in fact she gets stuck! Thelma redeems herself by entertaining everybody while they wait for the tide to come in and free her.

The Story of the Best Christmas Ever

S3 E19 The Story of the Best Christmas Ever

The other animals are upset when Melanie gives their precious Christmas tree away to a family of bisons. They soon realise that Christmas is about sharing, not just having the best tree.

The Story of Alan's Catchy Tune

S3 E20 The Story of Alan's Catchy Tune

Zed and Herbert need a new tune for the concert that evening, and Alan has composed a lovely one, but he is too shy to play it to them.

The Story of the Baby Bison

S3 E21 The Story of the Baby Bison

Alife and Charlie find a lost baby bison, so they follow the clues to help her get home safely.

The Story of Zed The Hero Of Africa

S3 E22 The Story of Zed The Hero Of Africa

The volcano is threatening to erupt but the animals are reluctant to leave their beautiful savannah home. Can anybody come to the rescue?

The Story of Herbert's Watermelons

S3 E23 The Story of Herbert's Watermelons

Nigel has offered to look after Herbert's precious watermelon crop on ripening day - what could possibly go wrong?

The Story of Doris' Precious Things

S3 E24 The Story of Doris' Precious Things

Doris is determined to build the biggest collection of interesting things in Africa, but she upsets the other animals when she takes things that they need.

The Story of Leopoldo The Llama

S3 E25 The Story of Leopoldo The Llama

Leopoldo is fed up at always having to play everybody else's choice of games. He decides to climb a mountain on his own as nobody else wants to come with him - but they all soon realise that perhaps it is more fun doing things with your friends after all.

The Story of Tallulah The Toucan

S3 E26 The Story of Tallulah The Toucan

Tallulah refuses to leave her nest without a red flower, as she thinks it's bad luck! Can Adam help her overcome her fears?