Saison 2013

1 épisodes

(45 min)



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Sea of Creepy Monsters

S2013 E2 Sea of Creepy Monsters

The Lembeh strait in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi is a unique hotspot of marine biodiversity. Countless amazing creatures thrive in the underwater landscape surrounding Lembeh Island. During four years a wildlife filmmaker coupe spent many months in the region capturing hundreds of hours of behaviour, lots of it never filmed before. Among other unique behaviour the filmmakers were able to shoot an Anglerfish swallowing a Lionfish, a scene resembling Godzilla gulping down Dracula. Elegant seahorses, thumb-splitting Mantis shrimp, and deadly mino-octopuses are just some of the remarkable creatures traditional underwater films tend to overlook. As most of the underwater drama is hidden from plain sight only the ground-breaking macro photography in this film can reveal the awe and beauty of life in the Reef of Little Monsters.

Man-Eating Super Squid

S2013 E3 Man-Eating Super Squid

The legendary Kraken lurks in the dark, and may be headed for our shores. From fishermen killed by ravenous squid to sailors who've witnessed the epic-sized monster in the flesh, these stories show the Kraken myth is all too real. Can anything stop them?

Première diffusion : 19 mai 2013