Saison 2

30 épisodes

(11 h)



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Stormy Weather, Hidden Treasure

S2 E1 Stormy Weather, Hidden Treasure

Bike guru Henry Cole and ace-mechanic Sam Lovegrove are in Cornwall, looking for something to buy, restore and sell on for a handsome profit. At a windswept hilltop farm they find cars, tractors and a very rare German scooter.

Hot Rods, Trucks and Miniature Bikes

S2 E2 Hot Rods, Trucks and Miniature Bikes

Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove are in East Sussex. Today they visit Chris, a dedicated collector of American Iron, whose sheds hide an array of quirky vehicles including hot rods, trucks and miniature bikes.

Everything But the Kitchen Sink

S2 E3 Everything But the Kitchen Sink

Henry and Sam are on Sam's home territory, Cornwall. Today's host is Peter Bullen, a trials car enthusiast with the most eclectic set of sheds they've encountered so far. Will they come away with a Jeep, a bike or a tarmac thumper?

A Right Royal Profit?

S2 E4 A Right Royal Profit?

Henry and Sam are back in Cornwall. Today they visit the Queen's armourer, Terry English, and find in his sheds an amazing collection of vintage British cars, bikes and engines - as well as some awesome memorabilia.

Classic, Rare and Beautiful

S2 E5 Classic, Rare and Beautiful

Henry and Sam are back in the West Country. Today they visit Steve and Jack, and revel in sheds full of classic bikes, vintage cars and extraordinary limousines, including one owned by Eva Peron. Will they manage to ride away in it, though?

Yorkshire's Finest

S2 E6 Yorkshire's Finest

Henry and Sam head north to Yorkshire. Today's host, Dick Craven, has probably the biggest collection of motorcycles they've seen so far. Will they come away with a vintage police bike, a 1920s flat-tanker or a Vincent drag-bike?

Stumpie's American Take Away

S2 E7 Stumpie's American Take Away

Henry and Sam are in the New Forest, Hampshire. Their host for today is Stumpie, an Americana fanatic whose sheds are full of rare bicycles, classic sportsters and pimped-up saloon cars. A feast of fun, but what will they come away with?

Harley Heaven

S2 E8 Harley Heaven

Henry and Sam are in Buckinghamshire. Today they're visiting Allen, a trucker with an amazing set of stationary engines, Harley Davidson bikes and more memorabilia than a Bonham's auction.

Chiller Thriller

S2 E9 Chiller Thriller

Henry and Sam are in the Midlands. Today's sheds are owned by bike builder extraordinaire Patrick Walker. It's no surprise that some rare bikes lurk under his dust sheets - but what does he keep in his freezer?

The Need for Speed

S2 E10 The Need for Speed

Henry and Sam are up in Lancashire. Today they are with Miles, a petrolhead whose sheds contain an amazing collection of vintage bikes and rare British and American four-wheelers. But what will he part with?


S2 E11 Ploughman's

Henry and Sam are exploring an Aladdin's cave of different sheds all on one property and they are over the moon with their finds - a vintage bike and a stationary engine, all for under £50!

Bicycles and Stationary Engines

S2 E12 Bicycles and Stationary Engines

Henry and Sam are rummaging about in what can only be described as a tractor enthusiast's heaven. Sheds and fields full of tractors and machinery, some in mint condition and others buried under a mass of weeds, hedges and grass.

Army Trailers & Trinkets

S2 E13 Army Trailers & Trinkets

Henry and Sam find themselves down in the South West rummaging around another belting shed with all sorts of things on offer. So much so that it is virtually impossible to pick one thing - so they come back with a handful.

Steam, Bicycles and Metal Rolling

S2 E14 Steam, Bicycles and Metal Rolling

The deal-searching duo are at it again, this time in Cornwall. There's plenty more to look at, including some rare early-1900s steam-powered cars. Henry might even be lucky enough to have a go in one.

Signs and Wonders

S2 E15 Signs and Wonders

Henry and Sam are in Somerset with Mark and his amazing motorbikes. Their tongues hang out when they encounter his fabulous Matchlesses, Sunbeams and Martinsydes. Only trouble is, they're all priceless.

Riding Shotgun

S2 E16 Riding Shotgun

Henry and Sam are in Suffolk with Barry and his vintage bikes. Henry has his eyes on a few petrol pumps, but Sam has other ideas when he sees Barry’s collection of sidecars.

Spoilt for Choice

S2 E17 Spoilt for Choice

Henry and Sam return to the East of England to meet Charlie in Lowestoft. Finding everything from cars and bikes to stationary engines and suitcases, they really do have a positive dilemma on their hands!

Trials and Tribulations

S2 E18 Trials and Tribulations

Henry and Sam head down to a large old house in the depths of Devon’s countryside. There are piles of cars wherever they look, and bikes seem to appear out of every nook and cranny. They are spoilt for choice, but what will they bid on?

The Morris Man

S2 E19 The Morris Man

Henry and Sam are in East Anglia with Nick, who's mad about Morris Minors. However, he also loves motorbikes, both British and Japanese, as well as vintage bicycles. Henry and Sam spot a few bikes they like, one in particular may need some serious restoration!

Triple Threat

S2 E20 Triple Threat

Henry and Sam are in Henry’s home county of Oxfordshire in search of new bargains. They meet three brothers with containers full of bikes, plus many tractors, trucks and other trinkets. Sam is keen on getting a motorbike and Henry agrees, but Henry also has his eye on something else…

Rust in Peace

S2 E21 Rust in Peace

Henry and Sam are back in Devon in search of new bargains. They meet Rodney at his workshop, full of signs, petrol pumps, vintage British cars and lots of rust! Rodney finds it hard to part with some items, but eventually a deal is struck...

Stuck in the Mud

S2 E22 Stuck in the Mud

Henry and Sam are in Worcestershire, meeting farmer Adrian. They find a shed full of bikes that aren’t really Sam’s cup of tea. However, Sam’s mood changes when they come across a four-wheeled delight out in a field.

Bike, Bike, Bike... Boat?

S2 E23 Bike, Bike, Bike... Boat?

Henry and Sam are in North Yorkshire with Paul, a lover of Triumph motorcycles. Unfortunately, it seems that many of the bikes are out of their price range - until they find something lurking in the dark corner of the shed...

Ray Day

S2 E24 Ray Day

Henry and Sam set off down to Ray’s shop to sell a bike, but while there, they discover that Ray has plenty for the boys to rummage around in. They have a wonderful day, but come away with less than they want.

Lancashire Hotpot

S2 E25 Lancashire Hotpot

The deal-searching duo are near Preston at Graham’s place. They discover that Graham is also keen on military gear and Americana. In the end, though, Henry and Sam come away with something a little unusual and decide to put it to the test.

Pump Action

S2 E26 Pump Action

Henry and Sam are in the Lancashire countryside at John’s garage, where they’re surrounded by hundreds of trinkets. They encounter various military vehicles and treasures - and also a lovely old petrol pump.

A Hard Bargain

S2 E27 A Hard Bargain

Henry and Sam have crossed the Irish Sea to search the sheds of Northern Ireland and they find a vast collection of everything that they love. Will they be able to return to Oxfordshire with what they want?

Across the Irish Sea

S2 E28 Across the Irish Sea

Henry and Sam continue their Northern Ireland adventure with Gordon. The luck of the Irish strikes and they get off to a great start, with lots to marvel at. They find army vehicles, tractors and some very well hidden Land Rovers.

A Royal Visit

S2 E29 A Royal Visit

Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove are in the Queen's realm as they visit a shed in the shadow of Windsor Castle. Once again both boys are happy, as there are motorcycles galore, but will they get a bargain out of Roy?

Penny for Your Thoughts

S2 E30 Penny for Your Thoughts

Henry and Sam continue their travel around Northern Ireland and discover lovely vintage cars, along with some modern motors. Sam loves a Sunbeam-Talbot, Henry, a lovely Ford Capri. What will they take home as their last item of the season?