Saison 1

81 épisodes

(16 h 30 min)



Saison 1


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The Mouse Of Tomorrow

S1 E1 The Mouse Of Tomorrow

In Mouseville, the town's cats capture all the mice except one, who escapes to a Supermarket, where he uses Super Soap, and eats Super Celery and Super Cheese, transforming into Super Mouse, who then vanquishes the cats and saves the mice of Mouseville.

Première diffusion : 16 octobre 1942

Frankenstein's Cat

S1 E2 Frankenstein's Cat

Super Mouse must rescue the mice from a monster cat brought to life by a strike of lightning.

Première diffusion : 27 novembre 1942

He Dood It Again

S1 E3 He Dood It Again

Super Mouse protects a group of mice who like to eat and party at a local diner at night.

Première diffusion : 5 février 1943

Pandora's Box

S1 E4 Pandora's Box

Greek mythology provides the background as Super Mouse must battle bat-like cats to save a female mouse from the Troubles she unleashes from a box mysteriously dropped from the sky.

Première diffusion : 11 juin 1943

Mighty Mouse Rides Again

S1 E5 Mighty Mouse Rides Again

Cats battle a group of mice with everything imaginable (including Tommy guns) that only Super Mouse can thwart.

Première diffusion : 6 août 1943

Down With Cats

S1 E6 Down With Cats

Super Mouse comes to the rescue of some mice enjoying winter sports. The influence of World War II is evident in this film.

Première diffusion : 7 octobre 1943

The Lion And The Mouse

S1 E7 The Lion And The Mouse

Aesop's tale is reborn as Super Mouse faces a lion.

Première diffusion : 12 novembre 1943

The Wreck Of The Hesperus

S1 E8 The Wreck Of The Hesperus

An old captain and his daughter are caught at sea in a hurricane. Mighty Mouse saves the captain, his daughter and the ship's crew and receives a hero's tickertape parade.

Première diffusion : 11 février 1944

The Champion Of Justice

S1 E9 The Champion Of Justice

An elderly couple dies and leaves their fortune to some mice who had befriended them. Willy the Spender, a distant relative of the couple, vows to get the money away from the mice.

Première diffusion : 17 mars 1944

Mighty Mouse Meets Jekyll And Hyde Cat

S1 E10 Mighty Mouse Meets Jekyll And Hyde Cat

Mighty Mouse rescues a group of mice who sought shelter from a storm but accidentally hid away in the laboratory of Dr. Jekyll and are threatened by his cat who has taken the Doctor's horrific formula.

Première diffusion : 28 avril 1944

Eliza On The Ice

S1 E11 Eliza On The Ice

Mighty Mouse has to save Eliza from the clutches of Simon Legree in this story with characters named after those in Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Première diffusion : 16 juin 1944

Wolf! Wolf!

S1 E12 Wolf! Wolf!

Little Bo Peep and her sheep are the victims in this story that tips the hat to the Pied Piper of Hamelin as Mighty Mouse goes up against the wolves with a jazz soundtrack.

Première diffusion : 22 juin 1944

The Green Line

S1 E13 The Green Line

Mice and cats live in relative peace in a town divided in half by a green line until an evil spirit convinces the cats to cross the line. Mighty Mouse puts everything aright again.

Première diffusion : 7 juillet 1944

Mighty Mouse And The Two Barbers

S1 E14 Mighty Mouse And The Two Barbers

Terrytown is the setting for this need for Mighty Mouse to rescue the mice who are threatened by a gang of alley cats.

Première diffusion : 1 septembre 1944

Sultan's Birthday

S1 E15 Sultan's Birthday

World War II mixes with The Arabian Nights as Mighty Mouse rescues a sultan's harem girl from the attack of cats on flying carpets.

Première diffusion : 13 octobre 1944

At The Circus

S1 E16 At The Circus

Mighty Mouse flies to the circus this time to rescue the cute highwire performer from the escaped lions.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 1944

Mighty Mouse And The Pirates

S1 E17 Mighty Mouse And The Pirates

Pirate cats capture an island mouse princess who Mighty Mouse must rescue.

Première diffusion : 12 janvier 1945

Port of Missing Mice

S1 E18 Port of Missing Mice

More pirate cats, this time in San Francisco as Mighty Mouse battles cats to save a group of sailor mice from their clutches.

Première diffusion : 2 février 1945

Raiding the Raiders

S1 E19 Raiding the Raiders

Rabbits are the victims this time, and vultures are the villains that Mighty Mouse must vanquish.

Première diffusion : 9 mars 1945

The Kilkenny Cats

S1 E20 The Kilkenny Cats

City mice are forced to battle a gang of cats with military weapons, until Mighty Mouse arrives to save the day.

Première diffusion : 13 avril 1945

The Silver Streak

S1 E21 The Silver Streak

Mice living in an old shack are safe under the protection of their dog, until the cats capture the dog and leave him on the train tracks as the Silver Streak bears down on him. Only Mighty Mouse can save everyone concerned while teaching the cats a leson.

Première diffusion : 8 juin 1945

Mighty Mouse and the Wolf

S1 E22 Mighty Mouse and the Wolf

Three fairy tales are inverted as the Wolf tries to show how he takes all the blame unjustly. Spoofs Red Riding Hood, Little Bo Peep and the Three Little Pigs just to let Mighty Mouse take out the Wolf three times.

Première diffusion : 20 juillet 1945

Gypsy Life

S1 E23 Gypsy Life

The bat-cats are back. This time they kidnap a gypsy princess who Mighty Mouse must rescue while putting the bat-cats in their place.

Première diffusion : 3 août 1945

Mighty Mouse Meets Bad Bill Bunion

S1 E24 Mighty Mouse Meets Bad Bill Bunion

Mighty Mouse must save the saloon gal singer from the clutches of the outlaw Bad Bill Bunion.

Première diffusion : 5 novembre 1945

Mighty Mouse in Krakatoa

S1 E25 Mighty Mouse in Krakatoa

Dancing mouse Krakatoa Katie offends the island volcano which spews lava to punish the mice. A signal for help is received by a scientist, who drinks a potion and changes (a la Jekyll/Hyde) into Mighty Mouse who must stop the volcano's threat and set the island aright.

Première diffusion : 14 décembre 1945

Svengali's Cat

S1 E26 Svengali's Cat

A hypnotist cat forces a girl mouse to act as bait to lure other mice to be captured and eaten by the cats until Mighty Mouse comes to the rescue.

Première diffusion : 18 janvier 1946

The Wicked Wolf

S1 E27 The Wicked Wolf

Goldilocks and the Three Bears get mixed in with the Wolf as Mighty Mouse must set everything right.

Première diffusion : 8 mars 1946

My Old Kentucky Home

S1 E28 My Old Kentucky Home

Humans are the recipients of Mighty Mouse's help this time when the Wolf comes to collect the mortgage on the home of The Colonel and Nellie. A jockey promises to win the horse race and use the money to pay the mortgage. The Wolf plans to prevent the jockey from winning, but Mighty Mouse won't let that happen.

Première diffusion : 29 mars 1946

Throwing The Bull

S1 E29 Throwing The Bull

A wealthy Spanish merchant offers a reward and marriage to his daughter to anyone who can defeat a bull. All comers fail, until Mighty Mouse enters the ring to win the fight and the merchant's daughter.

Première diffusion : 3 mai 1946

The Johnstown Flood

S1 E30 The Johnstown Flood

In a re-imagining of the Johnstown Flood, mice and dogs are caught in the devastating deluge as Mighty Mouse battles to rescue them while averting further disaster.

Première diffusion : 28 juin 1946

The Trojan Horse

S1 E31 The Trojan Horse

A return to mythology, this time Troy (the mouse version) where the unsuspecting rodents take in a horse statue which hides cats within waiting to pounce. Mighty Mouse descends from Mount Olympus to save the day.

Première diffusion : 16 août 1946

Winning The West

S1 E32 Winning The West

American myth sets the stage this time as Mighty Mouse turns up in the old west to battle cats threatening pioneer mice.

Première diffusion : 16 août 1946

The Electronic Mouse Trap

S1 E33 The Electronic Mouse Trap

An evil scientist cat invents a robot mouse trap that goes after all the mice in the city. The Atomic Age begins to make its presence known as Mighty Mouse must battle a robot powered by atomic bombs.

Première diffusion : 6 septembre 1946

The Jail Break

S1 E34 The Jail Break

Another story set in the classic American west. This time, Bad Bill Bunion returns to commit crimes until Mighty Mouse defeats him and send him back to prison at Alcatraz Island.

Première diffusion : 20 septembre 1946

A Date for Dinner

S1 E34 A Date for Dinner

Première diffusion : 29 août 1947

The Crackpot King

S1 E35 The Crackpot King

Mighty Mouse must battle the insane cat king and his evil wolf wizard to rescue the fair damsel mouse in distress.

Première diffusion : 15 novembre 1946

Crying Wolf

S1 E36 Crying Wolf

A faithful sheepdog cares for the lambs under his care, but it's always the black sheep of the family that causes the problems and needs the help of Mighty Mouse when his practical jokes go awry.

Première diffusion : 10 janvier 1947

Dead End Cats

S1 E37 Dead End Cats

Mighty Mouse must face down a 1930s-style mob of racketeer cats.

Première diffusion : 14 février 1947

Aladdin's Lamp

S1 E38 Aladdin's Lamp

The Arabian Nights return as Mighty Mouse becomes involved with rescuing the daughter of Aladdin in this retelling of the story.

Première diffusion : 28 mars 1947

The Sky Is Falling

S1 E39 The Sky Is Falling

Mighty Mouse rescues some barnyard animals who have been tricked by the fox into believing the sky is falling.

Première diffusion : 25 avril 1947

Mighty Mouse Meets Deadeye Dick

S1 E40 Mighty Mouse Meets Deadeye Dick

Back to the American western as the sheriff and the bad guy battle it out until Mighty Mouse arrives to finish the fight.

Première diffusion : 30 mai 1946

A Date For Dinner

S1 E41 A Date For Dinner

A game of cat and mouse, until the cat catches the mouse. The mouse makes a promise to deliver an even better mouse if the cat will release him. When the mouse returns, dinner is...Mighty Mouse.

Première diffusion : 29 août 1946

The First Snow

S1 E42 The First Snow

In the winter, the rabbits are enjoying life when a fox shows up. They can handle him for a while, but when the baby bunnies are threatened, only Mighty Mouse can save the day.

Première diffusion : 10 octobre 1947

A Fight To The Finish

S1 E43 A Fight To The Finish

The spoofs of serial cliffhanger films begin as Oil Can Harry threatens Pearl Pureheart and Mighty Mouse must come to the rescue.

Première diffusion : 14 novembre 1947

Swiss Cheese Family Robinson

S1 E44 Swiss Cheese Family Robinson

Even superheroes need time off, and as the mouse version of The Swiss Family Robinson gets underway Mighty Mouse is enjoying a vacation on a beach somewhere. The Robinsons send a note in a bottle for help, which finds its way to Mighty Mouse and he quickly returns from vacation to save the mice.

Première diffusion : 19 décembre 1947

The Lazy Little Beaver

S1 E45 The Lazy Little Beaver

A young beaver runs away from home but soon discovers the world can be an unsafe place. Fortunately, Mighty Mouse will help him learn a lesson about work and sloth, safely.

Première diffusion : 26 décembre 1947

The Hep Cat

S1 E46 The Hep Cat

The fairy tale theme returns as a city of well-to-do suburban mice are lured to their demise by cats using the magic flute of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Mighty Mouse must help the mice who cannot help themselves.

Première diffusion : 1 janvier 1948

Mighty Mouse And The Magician

S1 E47 Mighty Mouse And The Magician

A mouse village magician's show is interrupted by an invasion of cats. The magician bravely tries to hold off the cats, but they gain his wand and become invisible. Only Mighty Mouse with his powers can rout the cats and save the mice.

Première diffusion : 1 mars 1948

The Feudin' Hillbillies

S1 E48 The Feudin' Hillbillies

Mighty Mouse must settle a clan feud between the cats and the mice.

Première diffusion : 1 avril 1948

Outer Space Visitor

S1 E49 Outer Space Visitor

Cheeseville is invaded by an infant, robot-like alien. Everyone thinks it's cute, until they learn that its parent plans to wipe out Cheeseville.

Première diffusion : 2 mai 1948