The City of Bane Part 1 - Batman (Rebirth), tome 12

Fiche technique

Titre original : Batman (Rebirth) Vol. 12: The City of Bane Part 1

Scénario :

Tom King

Dessin :

Sandu Florea, Mitch Gerads, Mikel Janin, Clay Mann

Éditeur :

DC Comics

Groupes :

Batman, DC Universe Rebirth, Batman (2016)
Date de publication (États-Unis) : 14 avril 2020Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : It's all led to this! Bane's minions have taken control of Gotham City and are ruling with an iron fist, and Batman is nowhere to be found. Instead, Flashpoint Batman is patrolling the city, dispensing a violent brand of justice. It's all building to a rebellion among the bad guys who don't want to play along with Bane! Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is on a quest to regain his fighting spirit... Collects Batman #75-79.ISBN : 978-1401299583