Fiche technique

Titre original : Sink the Bismarck!Genre : Guerre

Groupe :

Coulez le Bismarck
Année : 1960

Pays d'origine :

États-Unis, Royaume-Uni
Durée : 1 h 37 minDate de sortie (États-Unis, Royaume-Uni) : 11 février 1960Date de sortie (France) : 11 mai 1960

Réalisateur :

Lewis Gilbert

Scénariste :

Edmund H. North

Producteur :

John Brabourne

Synopsis : Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un navire britannique a pour mission de couler le célèbre cuirassé allemand, le Bismarck.

Casting de Coulez le Bismarck

Kenneth More

Captain Jonathan Shepard

Dana Wynter

Second Officer Anne Davis

Carl Möhner

Kapitän Ernst Lindemann

Laurence Naismith

First Sea Lord - Sir Dudley Pound - Admiral of the Fleet

Geoffrey Keen

Assistant Chief of Naval Staff

Karel Stepanek

Admiral Günther Lutjens

Michael Hordern

Admiral Jack Tovey - Commander in Chief - HMS King George V

Maurice Denham

Commander Richards

Michael Goodliffe

Captain Banister

Esmond Knight

Captain John Leech - HMS Prince of Wales

Et aussi

Jack Watling

Signals Officer

Jack Gwillim

Commodore Wilfrid Patterson - HMS King George V

Mark Dignam

Captain Loben Mound - HMS Ark Royal

Ernest Clark

Captain Robert Ellis - HMS Suffolk

John Horsley

Captain Charles Larcom - HMS Sheffield

Peter Burton

Captain - HMS Solent - First Destroyer

Sydney Tafler

Henry - First Workman

John Stuart

Captain Ralph Kerr - HMS Hood

Walter Hudd

Admiral Lancelot Holland - HMS Hood

Sean Barrett

Able Seaman Brown

Edward R. Murrow

Edward R. Murrow

Robert Arnold

Fighter Pilot

Peter Avella

Bridge Officer [HMS Solent]

Michael Balfour

Able Seaman - Lookout on 'Suffolk'

John Barron

Officer P.R.O.

Richard Beale

Petty Officer in Phone Montage

Victor Beaumont

Officer on the 'Bismarck'

Michael Beint

Lothar Balzar - Leutnant zur See

Brandon Brady

Signal Officer on the 'Ark Royal'

2000 DS

Young Seaman on 'Prince of Wales'

Robert Brown

Gunnery Officer on 'King George V'

Mark Burns

Naval Rating in Phone Montage

Max Butterfield

Dark Room Technician

Dennis Carnell

Bridge Officer [HMS King George V]

Roy Castle

Seaman on 'Prince of Wales'

Peter Cellier

First Lieutenant on Destroyers

Donald Churchill

Seaman on 'Ark Royal'

Michael Collins

Lookout - Second Destroyer

Eric Corrie

Pilot - RAF Operations Room

George Curtis

War Room Officer

Peter Dyneley

Jenkins - 'King George V'

Clifford Elkin

Pilot - RAF Operations Room

John Flint

Pilot - RAF Opeations Room

Peter Forbes-Robertson

Signalman - 'Prince of Wales'

Tom Gill

Master of the Fleet - 'King George V'

Harold Goodwin

Airman in Phone Montage

Walter Gotell

Signals Officer Mueller on the 'Bismarck'

Kathryn Greenaway

Miss Jackson - WRENS