Every few year, I revisit this classic with equal pleasure.
The Usual Suspect is a film about a team of 5 criminals, and how they are tied to a massacre on a boat that the police is investigating. It's a brilliant mix of action and mystery that I consider a must-watch for anyone.

My favorite part of this movie is the rhythm of the narrative. It's simply perfect, I have no other word to describe it. The only survivor of the crew tells their story under the interrogation of a police officier as the police is still picking up the clues to understand what happened on that boat. Spoiling anything about the story would be criminal so although I would love to speak about it, let's focus on the technical parts. The ending is probably one of the greatest in cinema history though, let me at least tell you that.

The edit is masterful, it cuts at the perfect moment every time, not a moment feels too dragged on or too rushed. Some match cuts also weave together the different narratives... good shit.
The directing is smart, what you see and what you don't see are equally important and builds the tension that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Also important, the different narratives are very well organized making the whole easy to follow.
The photography is very characteristic of the 90's and although it can feel dated to the youngest audience, I have zero problem with it, some shots are really good looking (the beach scene) which is rare in this type of movies.
The cast is great and they perform at the top of their game. Maybe del Toro's accent is a bit too heavy but that's really nitpicking.
The dialogues are a masterclass on writing, it has an amazing amount of quotable lines.

All in all, one of my favorite movies of all time. It easily gets a 5/5 and I urge anyone who hasn't seen this masterpiece to see it. Today. You won't regret it

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le 27 janv. 2017

Critique lue 223 fois


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Critique lue 223 fois

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