
Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7

Saison 8

Saison 9


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Chuy, Jack & Carmine

S4 E1 Chuy, Jack & Carmine

First, Cesar is called in to restore the peace at a "not-so" dog friendly apartment complex. When the residents of a North Hollywood apartment building moved in they assumed their pets would get along - they were wrong. Will Cesar be able to give these dogs an attitude makeover? Then, meet the Diaz's - and their 3 canine troublemakers. Despite owning multiple businesses the Diaz's can't seem to multi-task when it comes to controlling their dogs. Will Cesar be able to pacify this unruly mob?

Première diffusion : 7 septembre 2007

Cotton, Ricky & Jordan, and Duke & Lila

S4 E2 Cotton, Ricky & Jordan, and Duke & Lila

Meet Cotton, an American Eskimo that has taken the watchdog role too far. Cotton attacks doors and windows whenever people pass by and causes carpool chaos when the kids go to school. Then meet Ricky, a Shiba Inu that has become overprotective of playmate Jordan, a Corgi. And finally meet Duke and Lila, two belligerent bulldogs that have taken on the mantra "kill or be killed." Will Cesar be able to rid these dogs of their bad attitudes?

Première diffusion : 14 septembre 2007

Kiko, Tootsie & Ginger, and Binkey

S4 E3 Kiko, Tootsie & Ginger, and Binkey

First, meet 2-year-old miniature pinscher Kiko, who has to be locked up in the garage when visitors come over because she constantly barks at them until they leave. Then, Mike White, writer and director of the recently released film "Year of the Dog," has two French bulldogs named Tootsie and Ginger, who are out of control. Last, meet Binkey, a young Chihuahua who was born without his two front legs.

Première diffusion : 21 septembre 2007

Luna and K9 Sniffers

S4 E4 Luna and K9 Sniffers

Meet Luna, a Lab mix, who has extreme fear of dog parks, walks and noises at home. Her owner, a music instructor, would love to take his beloved dog to his rehearsals, but he can't. It's time for Cesar to step in, but has this case gone too far, even for the Dog Whisperer? Next, Cesar heads to Florida to meet a pack of dogs that spends its days carefully keeping the port of Miami free of drugs, explosives and dangerous chemicals. But off the job, these six intelligent animals can't interact without incident. Can Cesar help these K9 sniffers learn to play together as well as they work together?

Première diffusion : 5 octobre 2007

Reggie, Diva, Rocco & Vito, and Mugsy

S4 E5 Reggie, Diva, Rocco & Vito, and Mugsy

First, meet a feral dog named Reggie, who likes to guard pregnant horses on a ranch near Phoenix, Ariz. All was fine until she gave birth to 15 puppies. The farm owners finally decided to have her spayed but they cant catch her. Next, an interior designer has a dog pack that clashes. Vito, a boxer, and Diva, a cocker spaniel, were a team all their own, until an English bulldog named Rocco joined the pack. Finally, meet Mugsy, a rescued pit bull terrier, who turned out to be a couch potato.

Première diffusion : 12 octobre 2007

Willie, Make-A-Wish, and Zena

S4 E6 Willie, Make-A-Wish, and Zena

Meet Zena, a pit bull/chow mix whose extreme fear of the stove has forced her owners, who live outside of Phoenix, Ariz., to cook outside on a grill for the past year. Next, Cesar visits Major, a Rottweiler, and Nira, a German shepherd, who are battling for control of the house. Finally, meet Willie, a Jack Russell terrier who cant handle the death of his pack leader, the family cat named Jake. Willies owners say Jake kept Willie in line, but now the terrier has abandoned his good behavior.

Première diffusion : 19 octobre 2007

Hudson & Orchid, and LA Animal Control

S4 E7 Hudson & Orchid, and LA Animal Control

Two years ago, Cesar Millan brokered peace between two great Danes, Violet and Hudson. After Violet passed away this year, Orchid, another great Dane, joined the family and aggressively moved in on Hudson's territory. Next, Cesar helps the city of Los Angeles' Animal Control department with its aggressive new pet ownership program by riding along with one of its officers.

Première diffusion : 26 octobre 2007

Gus, Abbey, and Vinnie

S4 E8 Gus, Abbey, and Vinnie

Legendary Tonight Show sidekick Ed McMahon rescued a wheaten terrier named Gus. He can be sweet and cuddly around Eds family, but he has become seriously aggressive toward Eds assistants and guests. Next, meet the Swanson family, who live outside Minneapolis, Minn. They adopted a beagle named Abbey who now wont leave the house. Then, in Torrance, Calif., meet an Australian shepherd named Vinnie who is so territorial of his owners house that no one has visited in two years.

Première diffusion : 2 novembre 2007

Tara, Molly & Mandy, Olive, and Dexter

S4 E9 Tara, Molly & Mandy, Olive, and Dexter

First, Cesar Millan meets a widow who has found herself alone with a combative pack of dogs after her husband died last year. Tara, a retriever mix, and fox terriers Molly and Mandy can?t get along. How will Cesar help this exhausted widow? Then, meet Olive, a shar-pei/Doberman mix, who drools excessively on car rides. How will Cesar help mop up this slippery mess? And finally, Cesar helped Chicagoan Mary Jane Duffy with her Rottie-mix named Dexter last year but it didn?t click. Cesar helps.

Première diffusion : 14 décembre 2007

ATF K-9 Gavin

S4 E10 ATF K-9 Gavin

A veteran bomb-sniffing Labrador retriever develops severe symptoms of PTSD after a stint in Iraq. Will Cesar be able to help this heroic canine?

Première diffusion : 23 décembre 2007

Troy and Roxie

S4 E11 Troy and Roxie

When Edie and Neal Adler rescued a German shepherd named Troy, he seemed sweet tempered. But Troy soon showed another side. After he attacked one of their own dogs. Nearly out of hope, they call on Cesar to get Troy out of solitary confinement. Then, meet Kim and Joel Givens and their super timid rat terrier named Roxy. Roxy is scared of just about everything - other dogs, sudden noises, even strollers! Cesar is brought in to help Roxy gain some courage.

Première diffusion : 4 janvier 2008

Gizmo and Indigo, Diego, Valley & Whiskey

S4 E12 Gizmo and Indigo, Diego, Valley & Whiskey

Meet Jennifer Lee Pryor, the wife of late comedian Richard Pryor. Jennifers rescue organization, Pryors Planet, is working to place dozens of dogs in loving homes. Fights have broken out among the foster dogs and the four dogs she already owned. The conflict is no laughing matter - will Cesar be able to restore peace and help Jennifer become a pack leader? Plus, meet Gizmo, a 6-year-old beagle with a severe aggression problem. Will Cesar be able to calm this belligerent beagle?

Première diffusion : 11 janvier 2008

Cody, Chloe, and Buffy

S4 E13 Cody, Chloe, and Buffy

First meet Cody, a Yorkshire terrier who recently lost his vision and his passion for life. The once playful and friendly dog has become aggressive. Then meet Chloe, a Pekingese/miniature poodle indulged by her owner. Chloes lack of discipline has manifested in bad behavior - she growls, snaps and bites to get her way. finally meet Buffy, a Rottweiler living on a large horse ranch. Buffy has a dangerous obsession with the horses, and her owner fears for their safety. Can Cesar help?

Première diffusion : 18 janvier 2008

Curly and Baxter

S4 E14 Curly and Baxter

A pup with a tendency to get into dogfights is featured. Also, an Arizona dog has been banned from taking hikes because of it's temper.

Première diffusion : 14 mars 2008

Owen, Jerry, and Rocky

S4 E15 Owen, Jerry, and Rocky

Eden Espinosa, who stars in Wicked needs Cesar's help with her three year old Yorkshire, Owen. Whenever the makeup artist Owen barks when Eden's hands are green and whenever anyone leaves the dressing room. Next, Cesar travels to Washington D.C. to help Jerry, a once-shy guard dog who's now become overly-aggressive. The priests and brothers worry Jerry might attack some of the residents. Daddy is brought in to help Jerry overcome his insecurity. Then, at the home of Derek and Stephanie Clay, Rocky, whines a lot and with the arrival of baby Sophia Grace, it has become nearly constant. Rocky's vet recommended a variety of medications, but nothing has worked.

Première diffusion : 21 mars 2008

Marley and Piper

S4 E16 Marley and Piper

Marley is a rescued Shibu Inu from Japan who is aggressive towards people (including biting his new owner) and is food aggressive in LA. While Piper, a Wire-haired Fox Terrier in Minnesota, can catch many small animals. He now has set his sights on the running lawnmower.

Première diffusion : 28 mars 2008

Lives Changed

S4 E17 Lives Changed

Cesar revisits the homes of some of the more challenging cases to see if both the owner and dog have changed their bad behavior.

Première diffusion : 30 mars 2008

Shadow, Jake & Riley and Norton

S4 E18 Shadow, Jake & Riley and Norton

Shadow, an Alaskan Malamute, is aggressive. While Suzy needs help with ball obsessed Norton and overly friendly Jake and Riley.

Première diffusion : 4 avril 2008

Sasha and Angler

S4 E19 Sasha and Angler

Sasha, a German shepherd mix, trys to attack any other dog ignoring her owner's commands to stop her. Angler, a chocolate lab, growls and attacks anyone (or anything) near him when eating his food, including his own tail!

Première diffusion : 11 avril 2008

Buster, Sadie and Lacey

S4 E20 Buster, Sadie and Lacey

An aggressive bulldog and a beagle/terrier mix who is afraid of trash cans.

Première diffusion : 18 avril 2008

Rufus and Buddy

S4 E21 Rufus and Buddy

Buddy is a abused Pit Bull who is human aggressive without warning. Rufus, a Shar-pei/Rottweiler mix, is human and dog aggressive and spins in circles when new people approach.

Première diffusion : 23 mai 2008

Chipper and Rudy & Monte

S4 E22 Chipper and Rudy & Monte

Chipper, a ridgeback/boxer mix, has an attitude that developed into a severe aggression problem. Then, owners of pet boutique "Off Leash" have an oxymoron with their two aggressive whippets, Rudy and Monte, who bark and lunge at dog visitors.

Première diffusion : 30 mai 2008

Peanut and Sunshine, Roxy & Angus

S4 E23 Peanut and Sunshine, Roxy & Angus

A pet groomer needs tips on handling difficult clients, and the barking of a chihuahua is driving his owners crazy.

Première diffusion : 6 juin 2008

Mateo and Ali

S4 E24 Mateo and Ali

A German shepherd takes after his namesake, Muhammad Ali, and is always aggressive and ready for a fight. Also, a border collie is too protective of his owner.

Première diffusion : 13 juin 2008

Jake and Kona

S4 E25 Jake and Kona

The owner of an aggressive and isolated Australian shepard- pit bull mix is frightened. Also, a boxer who has a habit of wandering off.

Première diffusion : 20 juin 2008

Fear of Dogs

S4 E26 Fear of Dogs

Cesar meets to work with a man who was attacked by a dog when he was ten. His subsequent fear of dogs was affecting both his real estate work as well as his family's ability to have a dog. Ernesto shares honestly, how his cultural upbringing in Mexico affected his view of how dogs only belonged outside the home, and combined with his mind-numbing fears, had been paralyzed by fears, whenever he found himself facing a client's dog, or even passing one behind fences, when walking in his neighborhood. Cesar helps Ernesto confront his fears, walking him through the issues, one step at a time. Then Cesar helps Ernesto and his family find that perfect adoptable dog fit, from how to look at and meet dogs in shelters to assessing how a dog fits in best for ALL family members, even the young boys! The astonishing ending shows an unusual spin, as Cesar's boys become involved with the final choice of dog adoption.

Première diffusion : 18 juillet 2008

My Life on the Dog List

S4 E27 My Life on the Dog List

Comedian and self admitted D-lister Kathy Griffin seeks the help of Caesar in taming her pair of territorial dogs.

Première diffusion : 25 juillet 2008

Canine 9-1-1 Part 1

S4 E28 Canine 9-1-1 Part 1

Cesar heads to Orange County where owners will audition to get help from Caesar for their problematic pooches.

Première diffusion : 1 août 2008

Caesar & Squatty, and Hula

S4 E29 Caesar & Squatty, and Hula

A Doberman/Lab and a pit bull develop behavioral issues after not being walked for months; an Italian greyhound acts aggressively toward the men of the house.

Première diffusion : 29 août 2008

Dueling Pit Bulls

S4 E30 Dueling Pit Bulls

A pair of owners find their relationship strained by a couple of warring pit bulls.

Première diffusion : 5 septembre 2008

Canine 9-1-1 Part 2

S4 E31 Canine 9-1-1 Part 2

Cesar works to dial down the bad behaviors of four problem dogs who won sessions at the PETCO auditions.

Première diffusion : 12 septembre 2008

100th episode celebration

S4 E32 100th episode celebration

Cesar is reunited with more than 100 of the dogs he has helped to rehabilitate.

Première diffusion : 19 septembre 2008

Lotus and Joey

S4 E33 Lotus and Joey

Aggressive dachshund, Lotus, attacks roommate Sheri when petting or sitting next to the dog.

Première diffusion : 3 octobre 2008

Bozley & Ginger

S4 E34 Bozley & Ginger

French Bulldog Bozley is showing dog aggression and wont let Sean and Nidias guests enter the house without trying to scare them away first. Regina and Steve Risseeuw wanted a high energy dog and adopted a Vizsla named Ginger, but Steve noticed that she was more high strung than high energy. Can Cesar help this dog on the run?

Première diffusion : 10 octobre 2008

Harley & Amalie, and Bam Bam

S4 E35 Harley & Amalie, and Bam Bam

Four year old Chihuahua mix, Amalie, terrorizes eight year old mastiff Harley and dominates the rest of the house. Lance and Kim Mehegans call Cesar to restore the balance of power and mend this odd couple. Raul Velasquez's six month old red nosed pit bull, Bam Bam is still out of control with his puppy ways.

Première diffusion : 17 octobre 2008

Argonaut and Patches

S4 E36 Argonaut and Patches

An aggressive English bulldog/Lab mix; a cocker spaniel with a life-threatening appetite for paper products.

Première diffusion : 24 octobre 2008

Sooner & Trace, and Casanova

S4 E37 Sooner & Trace, and Casanova

Casanova is dog aggressive, but only when on the leash. Previous classes and trainers have failed to curb this anti-social behavior. Sooner, a champion line Jack Russell (called a Parson Russell now) and Trace, a Queensland heeler, fight frequently.

Première diffusion : 31 octobre 2008