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How to Raise the Perfect Dog

S6 E1 How to Raise the Perfect Dog

In fifteen years, Daddy has proven to be the perfect dog, obeying Cesar’s every command and even assisting Cesar on some of his hardest cases. But Daddy, like all dogs, began his training as a puppy. In this special, Cesar decides to raise four different breeds with different breed-related characteristics to show people how any dog can be shaped into the perfect dog.

Première diffusion : 9 octobre 2009

Cujo and Molly

S6 E2 Cujo and Molly

In 2006, Mary Jane Lach noticed a dog chained up across the street from her house. He was clearly neglected, so she started sneaking him food. Despite being named Cujo, he was great with her, and she eventually introduced her grandkids to him without incident.

Première diffusion : 16 octobre 2009

Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey

S6 E3 Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey

As an artist on the rise, Daniel Maltzman relies on inspiration, but he can’t inspire his 1 ½ year old Pekingese, Pekaso, to eat or drink. Pekaso refuses to eat any kind of dog food, top shelf or not. Nothing Daniel does seems to make a difference. Pekaso also has issues when it comes to drinking her water.

Première diffusion : 23 octobre 2009

Hardy - Attacked with Love

S6 E4 Hardy - Attacked with Love

At Shelly Dale’s hair salon in Newport Beach, California, clients can get a hair-do, and a little hair of the dog, too. Shelly’s French Bulldog Hardy cultivated a pampered life in the salon, but at two years, almost to the day, Hardy began snapping at strangers when they approached him.

Première diffusion : 30 octobre 2009

Seven, Sara, and Madeliene

S6 E5 Seven, Sara, and Madeliene

Life coach and Biggest Loser fitness trainer Jillian Michaels was in heaven after adopting Seven, a 14 month old greyhound mix. But when the avid horseback rider brought Seven to the equestrian center where she rides, Seven’s good manners went to hell.

Première diffusion : 6 novembre 2009

Bear & Angel and Lorelei

S6 E6 Bear & Angel and Lorelei

Dog Whisperer: Bear & Angel and Lorelei (unapproved one page promo description) German shepherd Angel came to owners Joe and Sandra Carrick in December 2004, and Bear, another German shepherd, arrived in April 2005. The dogs got along fine for awhile, but when they started going to day care they began fighting each other, determined to draw blood. Their daycare tantrums are very traumatic to Sandra and the staff of the facility, will Cesar dare to turn this daycare dilemma into a daycare dream? Then, Francine & Michael Markows miniature schnauzer Lorelei would bark and even nip when their grandchildren would run around on visits, sometimes leaving the children in tears. The problem became so bad, that the grandkids are no longer allowed to visit. The Markows dont want to give up Lorelei, but they wish that their family were more willing to work on the problem instead of avoiding it. Can Cesar unite this divided pack?

Première diffusion : 13 novembre 2009

Cesar Down Under

S6 E7 Cesar Down Under

December kicks off Dog Whisperer Week on the National Geographic Channel with "Cesar Down Under," the first of two episodes featuring Cesar in Australia.

Première diffusion : 28 décembre 2009

Cesar in Australia (Pt 2)

S6 E8 Cesar in Australia (Pt 2)

Cesar's kicking the new year off with the second of his two Australia episodes. Cesar begins by meeting with the Roches, Morgan and Amanda. Their appropriately named Weimaraner Sydney has been unusually aggressive toward Australia's mail carriers (Posties) ever since the Roches witnessed a Postie beating Sydney with a stick 2 years ago.

Première diffusion : 28 décembre 2009

Peanut & Chico, Leroy Brown, and Tucker

S6 E9 Peanut & Chico, Leroy Brown, and Tucker

Chihuahuas Peanut and Chico are having trouble with their long-distance relationship. Since Chico left for college with owner Pauline Mercado's daughter Christine, the two dogs' reunions have been vicious battles for supremacy. Pauline and Christine are hoping that the two dogs can learn to live in harmony again.

Première diffusion : 15 janvier 2010

Most Aggressive Breeds

S6 E10 Most Aggressive Breeds

A pit bull attacks two adults and one child in Dallas; a German shepherd attacks its owners; and a Pomeranian kills a 6-week-old girl in Los Angeles. While any size dog can become aggressive, several powerful breeds seem to have developed the worst reputations. Some have even been banned in certain areas of the United States. In a Dog Whisperer poll, more than 10,000 viewers voted for what they thought were the most aggressive breeds.

Première diffusion : 5 mars 2010

A Dog and His Boy/Mobile Vet

S6 E11 A Dog and His Boy/Mobile Vet

In third grade Josh got his dream dog, a Siberian husky named Spike. But as Spike grew, his sweet demeanor shifted to relentless hyperactive behavior, jumping and nipping incessantly. Can Cesar help young Josh get back the dog he loves? Then, veterinarian Dr. Rick Garcia often helps Cesar and the Dog Psychology Center with routine and emergency calls, but now, it's Dr. Rick who needs help.

Première diffusion : 12 mars 2010

Desperate Housedogs

S6 E12 Desperate Housedogs

A once peaceful cul-de-sac is full of tension. Susanne Lee's German shepherd bullies the other dogs. Nancy and John Codeus' three high-energy huskies are impossible to control on walks. Eleanore Godfrey's spaniel/mastiff mix charges and snaps at other dogs when they cross her turf. Amanda and Chuck Parker's Labrador puppy has eaten most of their house. And Holly and Matthew Graczyk can't control their four dogs while on walks. Will Cesar be able to curb this Desperate Housedog drama?

Première diffusion : 9 avril 2010

Tigger and Dan

S6 E13 Tigger and Dan

When twins Tiffany and Krystle got their Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix Tigger, things were instantly twice as complicated. Tigger bites when they set him down on the bed and attacks if they try to move him when he's sleeping. Cesar comes in to catch this Tigger by the tail. Shelly Atherton wanted to follow in her grandfather's footsteps and train her own hunting dog, so she got a Labrador retriever named Dan. Dan took to the training very quickly, but had a growing aggressive streak.

Première diffusion : 16 avril 2010

Cobar and Chase

S6 E14 Cobar and Chase

A dog scared of dog toys? Susan runs a dog toy company in Australia. You would think her koolie named Cobar would be in dog heaven, but Cobar is petrified of squeaky toys. Cobar cowers at even the sight of a dog toy. Cesar takes a whirlwind trip to Oz to quiet Cobar's squeaking fear. Royces shar-pei mix Chase loathes his self-image. When he passes a mirror or window, he lunges at his own reflection. Cesar steps through the looking glass to help Chase accept the dog in the mirror.

Première diffusion : 23 avril 2010

Tillie and Leo

S6 E15 Tillie and Leo

Art collector Joel Gilman adopted a fearful, abused and malnourished wheaten terrier mix named Tillie, and has made amazing progress rehabilitating the dog. But Tillie has grown so attached she won't leave his side, even attacking Joel's other dog. When Jacqueline Rose and Manny Lizaso's 3-year-old shar-pei, Leo, killed a neighbor's Maltese, the couple was forced choose between giving up their condo or giving up Leo. Can Cesar help Tillie and Leo?

Première diffusion : 30 avril 2010