
Saison 1

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Saison 5


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UFO Disclosure

S1 E1 UFO Disclosure

Richard examines the growing worldwide UFO Disclosure movement and their efforts to pressure governments, especially the U.S. Government, to tell the public the truth about UFOs and aliens. He speaks with the former Canadian Minister of Defence who makes startling claims about secret talks between aliens and the U.S. Government. Richard meets with a UFO historian in Rochester, New York who reveals declassified documents proving that U.S. government and military officials are aware of and concerned about UFOs.

Première diffusion : 8 septembre 2010

Controlled Demolition

S1 E2 Controlled Demolition

Richard travels to New York, San Francisco and Seattle to investigate claims the Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down by explosives placed inside the towers prior to the 911 attacks. The founders of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Firefighters for 9/11 Truth present their best evidence for controlled demolition and a Fire and Explosives expert attempts to refute their claims.

Première diffusion : 18 février 2011

Past Life Regression

S1 E3 Past Life Regression

Richard investigates the practice of past-life regression therapy, a technique where subjects are placed under hypnosis in order to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives.

Première diffusion : 25 février 2011

Are We Running Out of Oil?

S1 E4 Are We Running Out of Oil?

Richard investigates the claim that the true nature of oil has been kept hidden from the general public. Two proponents of the abiotic oil theory argue that oil is not a fossil fuel and is in near inexhaustible supply. A researcher and author of a book on peak oil argues that the earth's supply of oil is already in terminal decline.


S1 E5 Chemtrails

Richard travels to the field to meet several researchers who present evidence that suggests chemicals or biological agents might possibly be deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public.

Première diffusion : 4 mars 2011

The Anti-Christ

S1 E6 The Anti-Christ

Richard interviews several researchers in the field of End Times Prophecy who offer clues as to the existence and identity of the Final Anti-Christ. A former occultist turned Christian denies any scriptural basis for the existence of an Anti-Christ.

Première diffusion : 4 février 2011

Electronic Harrassment

S1 E7 Electronic Harrassment

Richard speaks with victims of alleged electronic harassment, the supposed use of electronic devices to harass, torture, and/or physically harm a person. Some victims allege that the government is behind it. Richard also speaks with a private investigator who specializes in electronic counter measures and a social psychologist who dismisses such claims as fantasy and paranoia.

Première diffusion : 11 mars 2011

Demonic Possession

S1 E8 Demonic Possession

Richard delves into the religious practice known as exorcism and investigates what a board certified psychiatrist has described as an authentic case of demonic possession.

Première diffusion : 11 mars 2011

The New World Order

S1 E9 The New World Order

Richard examines an array of variants on a widely held conspiracy theory that a powerful and secretive elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government. Evidence is examined and skeptics engaged.

Time Travel

S1 E10 Time Travel

Richard speaks with two whistleblowers who claim to have been part of secret government time travel projects, including a lawyer who claims as a child he was sent back in time to witness Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. An experimental physicist provides a skeptical perspective.

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

S1 E11 The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

Richard travels to southeast England to investigate what is described as the best documented case of a UFO landing. There, he speaks with one of the key witnesses to the incident. Richard also ventures to Arizona to meet with another key witness who reveals the contents of his secret journal. Finally, Richard travels to a secret location in the Arizona desert to meet with a former USAF pilot and astronomer who dismisses the entire case as simple misidentification.

The Central Banking Conspiracy

S1 E12 The Central Banking Conspiracy

Richard speaks with several independent researchers about their claims that a powerful, secretive cabal of international bankers is attempting to control the course of history and enslave humanity through their monopoly of the creation of money and the manipulation of the money supply.


S1 E13 Vampires

Richard examines the folklore of the vampire and investigates the possibility that 'demonically reanimated corpses' may in fact exist. Interviews include a well-known U.S. Paranormal Investigator and travels to London (UK) to interview an Anglican Bishop who claims to have destroyed several vampires (in the field footage).