Saison 5

6 épisodes

(4 h 24 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7


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Jonah and the Whale

S5 E1 Jonah and the Whale

A tomb inside a Sunni mosque called the Mosque of the Prophet Yunus, which is Arabic for Jonah, in Mosul site is said to be the burial place of the prophet Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale or great fish in the Islamic and Judeo-Christian traditions. Biblical scholars are divided on whether the tomb in Mosul actually belonged to Jonah. In the Jewish tradition, he returns to his hometown of Gath-Hepher after his mission to Nineveh. And some modern scholars say the Jonah story is more myth than history. But others believe that Jonah actually existed.

Egypt's Lost Princess

S5 E2 Egypt's Lost Princess

Archaeologists have discovered a new tomb, a 3000-year-old mummy of an unknown Egyptian princess, in the Valley of the Kings.

The Viking Tomb Mystery

S5 E3 The Viking Tomb Mystery

What finally defeated the seemingly invincible Viking nation? A new remarkable discovery reveals the last days of the Vikings. Golden riches, a missing body, and a grave created for a warrior's horse expose how a new overwhelming force engulfed and finally replaced the old pagan world of the Vikings.

The Pharoah in the Suburbs

S5 E4 The Pharoah in the Suburbs

One of the most remarkable finds in modern archaeology was the discovery of a giant statue of a pharaoh, buried in the suburbs of Cairo. This was a pharaoh about whom little was known - until now. He was a leader who brought a new golden era to ancient Egypt and left a legacy that shaped western civilisation for millenia.

The Mystery of King Solomon's Mines

S5 E5 The Mystery of King Solomon's Mines

King Solomon, famed for his wisdom and the Bible's richest ancient ruler. He amassed a fortune without equal in the Old Testament. For centuries adventurers have hunted for the source of Solomon's wealth. Now, new evidence has revealed an industrial complex that could have been the origin of his riches.

The Animals of Egypt's Underworld

S5 E6 The Animals of Egypt's Underworld

It was a discovery that mystified the archaeological world. Buried among the ruins of Egypt's oldest city, a 6000-year old cemetery containing Egypt's first kings and the remains of wild and exotic animals. But these were not the bones from just any animals, they were the ancestors of Egypt's iconic gods. Have archaeologists finally found the source of ancient Egypt's religious imagery?