Saison 4

4 épisodes

(4 h)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7

Saison 8

Saison 9

Saison 10

Saison 11

Saison 12


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Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 1

S4 E1 Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 1

Winterwatch returns in the middle of one of the most extraordinary winters in living memory. So far this is the warmest and wettest winter on record - but what effect has this had on our wildlife? Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Martin Hughes-Games are back live from the Scottish highlands with spectacular winter wildlife stories from around the country.

Première diffusion : 26 janvier 2016

Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 2

S4 E2 Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 2

Chris Packham, Martin Hughes-Games and Michaela Strachan are live from the Highlands of Scotland with the latest updates on how our wildlife is coping with this extraordinary winter. They are on the trail of the Scottish tiger. Martin attempts to spend the night on one of the UK's highest mountain ranges to see how animals are being affected in one of the harshest environments.

Première diffusion : 27 janvier 2016

Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 3

S4 E3 Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 3

Martin Hughes-Games and Michaela Strachan are live from the Highlands of Scotland with the latest updates on how our wildlife is coping with this extraordinary winter. We find out how Martin got on during his night on the mountainside, while Iolo Williams is on the trail of water deer, an animal that looks like a sabre-tooth teddy bear and is being affected by our sensational weather.

Première diffusion : 28 janvier 2016

Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 4

S4 E4 Winterwatch 2016 - Episode 4

In their last live report from the Highlands of Scotland, presenters Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Martin Hughes-Games reveal some of this winter's most unusual spectacles. Including reports on wildcats, golden eagles and the UK's most unusual deer.

Première diffusion : 29 janvier 2016