Veronica Mars

Mr. Kiss and Tell

Mr. Kiss and Tell

Veronica Mars (2): An Original Mystery by Rob Thomas

Sortie : 20 janvier 2015 (France). Roman

livre de Rob Thomas et Jennifer Graham

Résumé : The Neptune Grand has always been the seaside town’s ritziest hotel, despite the shady dealings and high-profile scandals that seem to follow its elite guests. When a woman claims that she was brutally assaulted in one of its rooms and left for dead by a staff member, the owners know that they have... Voir plus

The Thousand Dollar Tan Line

The Thousand Dollar Tan Line

Veronica Mars: An Original Mystery by Rob Thomas: The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line

Sortie : 25 mars 2014 (France). Roman

livre de Jennifer Graham et Rob Thomas

Résumé : Ten years after graduating from high school in Neptune, California, Veronica Mars is back in the land of sun, sand, crime, and corruption. She’s traded in her law degree for her old private investigating license, struggling to keep Mars Investigations afloat on the scant cash earned by catching... Voir plus

Neptune Noir

Neptune Noir (2007)

Neptune Noir: Unauthorized Investigations into Veronica Mars

Sortie : 10 avril 2007. Essai

livre de Rob Thomas

Résumé : Neptune Noir is a collection of essays on the hit drama Veronica Mars, and is not authorized by CW, the creators or producers of Veronica Mars, or any entity associated with the show. More than just a high school drama, Veronica Mars is a smart and savvy teen detective show that offers complex... Voir plus