Films seen in 2017

Incl. comedy specials and documentaries, I suppose. Only listing films I haven't seen before.

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90 films

créee il y a plus de 7 ans · modifiée il y a plus de 6 ans

La Vérité

La Vérité (1960)

2 h 10 min. Sortie : 2 novembre 1960. Drame

Film de Henri-Georges Clouzot

Agua Rosa a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

January - A nice court room drama with some stand-out scenes, but it drags on too long, and is a bit derivative of 12 Angry Men, released a couple years earlier. Furthermore, none of the characters in the film appealed to me as people, nor did any of them really go through a change at the end.

Chris D'Elia: Incorrigible

Chris D'Elia: Incorrigible (2015)

1 h 23 min. Sortie : 17 avril 2015 (États-Unis).

Spectacle de Bill D'Elia

Agua Rosa a mis 5/10.

Annotation :

January - The material is pretty weak, but D'Elia is gifted with an amazing energy that sells many of the concepts and jokes here.

Louis C.K.: Live at the Comedy Store

Louis C.K.: Live at the Comedy Store (2015)

1 h 05 min. Sortie : 27 janvier 2015 (États-Unis).

Spectacle de Louis C.K.

Agua Rosa a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

January - Not any of his best material in here, but still a series of amusing observations and anecdotes, delivered pitch-perfectly. - 6.5

Bill Burr : Walk Your Way Out

Bill Burr : Walk Your Way Out (2017)

1 h 17 min. Sortie : 31 janvier 2017 (États-Unis).

Spectacle de Jay Karas

Agua Rosa a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

January - Not as good as his other specials, but still pretty solid. - 6.5


M.A.S.H. (1970)

1 h 56 min. Sortie : 12 août 1970 (France). Comédie, Guerre, Drame

Film de Robert Altman

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

January - Loved the loose, hang-out kind of atmosphere, and the visual comedy, but... overall, it was a bit underwhelming for an Altman film. The protagonists were too much like bullies to root for, and the final football scene felt like an afterthought.

The Big Short - Le Casse du siècle

The Big Short - Le Casse du siècle (2015)

The Big Short

2 h 10 min. Sortie : 23 décembre 2015 (France). Comédie dramatique, Biopic

Film de Adam McKay

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :



Tootsie (1982)

1 h 56 min. Sortie : 2 mars 1983 (France). Comédie dramatique, Romance

Film de Sydney Pollack

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :


La piel que habito

La piel que habito (2011)

2 h. Sortie : 17 août 2011. Drame, Épouvante-Horreur, Thriller

Film de Pedro Almodóvar

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :


La grande bellezza

La grande bellezza (2013)

2 h 22 min. Sortie : 22 mai 2013 (France). Drame

Film de Paolo Sorrentino

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.

Annotation :

February - One of the visually most beautiful films I've ever seen. Had an entrancing atmosphere throughout, and feels like an introspective novella that takes you to drift along with the main character through Rome. I'd rate it higher, if it focused in on something and explored it more deeply, but in the end it's just not that kind of film; it goes for the big picture of one man's life. - 8.5


Scarface (1983)

2 h 50 min. Sortie : 7 mars 1984 (France). Drame, Gangster

Film de Brian De Palma

Agua Rosa a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

February - I was underwhelmed by the shallow core of the story (money isn't everything... greed is bad...) and while Pacino's performance was memorable (I'm guessing it's the main reason for the film's classic status), it was too cartoony to make me feel for his character. De Palma's visual bravado is on point as always. - 6.5

Le Bateau

Le Bateau (1981)

Das Boot

2 h 29 min. Sortie : 17 février 1982 (France). Aventure, Drame, Thriller

Film de Wolfgang Petersen

Annotation :

February. (6-part BBC mini-series version) - 9/10

Call Me Lucky

Call Me Lucky (2015)

Sortie : 2015 (États-Unis).

Documentaire de Bobcat Goldthwait

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

February - Good doc on a passionate stand-up comedian from the 70s-80s, turns into an affecting account of a harrowing personal trauma, and how he came to fight for improving an ignorant society. - 7.5

Under the Shadow

Under the Shadow (2016)

1 h 24 min. Sortie : 30 septembre 2016 (Royaume-Uni). Épouvante-Horreur, Thriller

Film de Babak Anvari

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

February - Terrific small-scale family drama horror film in the vein of 'The Babadook', although not quite reaching its greatness. It is definitely worth watching for fans of the latter, or even for fans of Guillermo del Toro's 'Devil's Backbone,' as it seamlessly interweaves a war situation with a character-driven horror story.


Platoon (1986)

2 h. Sortie : 25 mars 1987 (France). Drame, Guerre

Film de Oliver Stone

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :


La La Land

La La Land (2016)

2 h 08 min. Sortie : 25 janvier 2017 (France). Comédie musicale, Comédie dramatique, Romance

Film de Damien Chazelle

Agua Rosa a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

February - Beautiful visuals, excellent direction, nice melodies, but suffers from a weak script. As it is, the story feels hollow and clichéd, and is rather forgettable. Overall, a step down from Chazelle's Whiplash.

What Happened, Miss Simone?

What Happened, Miss Simone? (2015)

1 h 41 min. Sortie : 26 juin 2015 (France).

Documentaire de Liz Garbus

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

February - A typical documentary elevated by an interesting and amazingly talented subject.


Spotlight (2015)

2 h 08 min. Sortie : 27 janvier 2016 (France). Thriller

Film de Tom McCarthy

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :


Nausicaä de la vallée du vent

Nausicaä de la vallée du vent (1984)

Kaze no tani no Naushika

1 h 57 min. Sortie : 23 août 2006 (France). Animation, Science-fiction, Aventure

Long-métrage d'animation de Hayao Miyazaki

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

February - Epic fantasy tale built on an enchantingly imaginative world, as would be expected from a Miyazaki film. Complete with a an eco-friendly message.


Paprika (2006)


1 h 30 min. Sortie : 6 décembre 2006 (France). Animation, Science-fiction, Thriller

Long-métrage d'animation de Satoshi Kon

Agua Rosa a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

February - An imaginative, surreal film about dreams that feels like a dream itself... alas, with a plot as unruly and chaotic as a dream as well. This makes it difficult to grasp onto much, and finally, makes you forget what really happened in those trippy, if entrancing 90 minutes. Purely in terms of animation, however, this is a feast. - 6.5

Tokyo Godfathers

Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

Tôkyô Goddofâzâzu

1 h 32 min. Sortie : 13 avril 2004 (France). Animation, Aventure, Comédie dramatique

Long-métrage d'animation de Satoshi Kon et Shôgo Furuya

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

February - It perfectly balances heartfelt poetic moments, the grim realities of homelessness, and comedic down-to-earthness, while also providing some excitement and a handful of twists and turns while at it. Imo a better Christmas film than the schmaltzy 'It's A Wonderful Life'.

T2 Trainspotting

T2 Trainspotting (2017)

1 h 57 min. Sortie : 1 mars 2017 (France). Comédie dramatique, Policier

Film de Danny Boyle

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

February - An enjoyable, nostalgic coda to the original, even though not as great a stand-alone film. Some great shots of modern-day Edinburgh.

La Baronne de minuit

La Baronne de minuit (1939)


1 h 34 min. Sortie : 18 mai 1939 (France). Comédie romantique

Film de Mitchell Leisen

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

March - Funny, well-written screwball comedy á la Oscar Wilde's 'Importance of Being Earnest'.


Mother (2009)


2 h 08 min. Sortie : 27 janvier 2010 (France). Policier, Drame, Thriller

Film de Bong Joon-Ho

Agua Rosa a mis 9/10.

Annotation :

March - Bong Joon-ho's most poetic film, and a well-written, fascinating mix of mystery, suspense, dark comedy, and completely un-romanticized drama. My favorite film of his, along with 'Memories of Murder'.


Silence (2016)

2 h 41 min. Sortie : 8 février 2017 (France). Drame, Aventure, Historique

Film de Martin Scorsese

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

March - A thought-provoking journey that doesn't take sides. The main story could be, in a way, a sermon on the disciple Peter's denial of Jesus and Christianity... as well as about the unfathomable strength of faith Jesus himself must have had. My own thoughts were how much religions are intertwined with the culture and society they grew out of... So much so, that it seems almost impossible to introduce it to a completely different culture with their own traditions. The foreign-ness of Japanese culture and nature to the European protagonist priests was underlined by some beautiful cinematography of its natural landscape, and the portrayal of Japanese society in the 17th century.

Thirst, ceci est mon sang

Thirst, ceci est mon sang (2009)


2 h 13 min. Sortie : 30 septembre 2009 (France). Comédie, Drame, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Park Chan-Wook

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

March - An almost operatic, gory vampire tale loosely based on 19th-century French novel by Émile Zola. Definitely recommended if you liked 'Only Lovers Left Alive' for being a unique vampire film (though this one gets much more lurid). - 7.5/10

La Servante

La Servante (1960)


1 h 49 min. Sortie : 15 août 2012 (France). Policier, Drame, Thriller

Film de Kim Ki-Young

Agua Rosa a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

March - Psycho-thriller melodrama with a Hitchcockian touch spirals down a pit of obsession and blackmail. Suffers a bit due to some weak acting, and this reviewer found it hard to stomach the deplorable villain's grating selfishness. - 6.5/10

Le Village des damnés

Le Village des damnés (1960)

Village of the Damned

1 h 17 min. Sortie : 8 février 1961 (France). Épouvante-Horreur, Science-fiction

Film de Wolf Rilla

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

March - Twilight Zone-esque, eerie British classic.

The Chaser

The Chaser (2008)


2 h 03 min. Sortie : 18 mars 2009 (France). Thriller, Policier, Film noir

Film de Na Hong-Jin

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

March - When you thought you already knew what to expect from a serial killer-chase film, a movie as perfectly executed (suspenseful, skillfully paced, masterfully directed) and emotionally gut-wrenching as this one comes along (with some social commentary on top), and you can't help but being completely taken by it.

Texas, Doc Snyder tient le monde en haleine

Texas, Doc Snyder tient le monde en haleine

Texas - Doc Snyder hält die Welt in Atem

1 h 26 min. Comédie, Western

Film de Ralf Huettner et Helge Schneider

Agua Rosa a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

March - Incredibly inventive absurd comedy, albeit one that is often built upon humor that could be difficult to appreciate for non-German speakers. Continues in the tradition of Monty Pythons films (like Monty Python &The Holy Grail) of being a kind of pastiche of a genre (here, Western films) with additional non-sequiturs. Schneider adds his own touch by using takes in the film that are obviously improvised, and where he even breaks character several times in a scene. The result is a hilarious farce where anything could and does happen.


Belladonna (1973)

Kanashimi no Beradonna

1 h 22 min. Sortie : 29 avril 1975 (France). Drame, Fantastique, Érotique

Long-métrage d'animation de Eiichi Yamamoto

Agua Rosa a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

March - Filled with visual innuendos and creatively expressive animation (heavily influenced by the psychedelic 60s and early 70s), there are more than a few moments of utterly original artistic genius. The animators did the best they could with what looks like a limited budget, and ended up with something akin to a Dino Buzzati graphic novel come to life.

Agua Rosa

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