Fiche technique

Auteur :

Lucy Grealy
Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) :

Traducteur :

Danielle Wargny
Parution France : 18 mars 2003

Éditeur :

ISBN : 9780060569662, 9782746713932

Résumé : At age nine, Lucy Grealy was diagnosed with a potentially terminal cancer. When she returned to school with a third of her jaw removed, she faced the cruel taunts of classmates. In this strikingly candid memoir, Grealy tells her story of great suffering and remarkable strength without sentimentality and with considerable wit. Vividly portraying the pain of peer rejection and the guilty pleasures of wanting to be special, Grealy captures with unique insight what it is like as a child and young adult to be torn between two warring impulses: to feel that more than anything else we want to be loved for who we are, while wishing desperately and secretly to be perfect.