Fiche technique

Auteurs :

Varric Tethras, Mary Kirby
Genre : Récit

Illustrateurs :

E.M. Gist, Ricardo German Ponce Torres, Andrés Ponce, Álvaro Sarraseca, Stefano Martino
Date de publication (pays d'origine) : 31 juillet 2018Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Dark Horse Books
ISBN : 978-1506704043

Résumé : Twenty years of patrols have chiseled each and every stone of the Kirkwall streets into city guardsmen Donnen Brennokovic. Weary and weathered, Donnen is paired with a recruit so green he might as well have leaves growing out of his armor. When the mismatched pair discover a dead magistrate bleeding out on the flagstones, they're caught up in a clash between a shadowy organization known only as the Executors and a secretive group of Chantry agents--all over some ancient artifact.