The Right To Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything

Fiche technique

Auteur :

For Ourselves
Genre : EssaiDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 1974Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Loompanics Unlimited
ISBN : 978-0915179350

Résumé : Most libertarians think of themselves as in some sense egoists. If they believe in rights, they believe these rights belong to them as individuals. If not, they nonetheless look to themselves and others as so many individuals possessed of power to be reckoned with. Either way, they assume that the opposite of egoism is altruism. The altruists, Christian or Maoist, agree. A cozy accomodation; and, I submit, a suspicious one. What if this antagonistic intedependence, this reciprocal reliance reflects and conceals an accord? Could egoism be altruism's loyal opposition? Yes, according to the authors of this text. What's more, they insist that an egoism which knows itself and refuses every limit to its own realization is communism.