Fiche technique

Auteur :

Daniel O'Malley
Genres : Roman, Version originale, Science-fictionDate de publication (Australie) : octobre 2022Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Little, Brown and Company

Groupe :

Au service surnaturel de Sa Majesté

Résumé : A new recruit to the most powerful supernatural intelligence agency on Earth is accused of going rogue and must go on the run to clear her name.September, 1940. Three women of the Checquy, the secret organization tasked with protecting Britain from supernatural threats, stand in the sky above London and see German aircraft approach. Forbidden by law to interfere, all they can do is watch as their city is bombed. Until Pamela, the most sensible of them, breaks all the rules and brings down a Nazi bomber with her bare hands....