
livre de François Rabelais (1532)

Vassality and Precedence in the beating of the Universe

The head will not lend the sight of his eyes to guide the feet and hands, the legs will refuse to bear up the body; the hands will leave off working any more for the rest of the members; the heart will be weary of his continual motion for the beating of the pulse , and will no longer lend his assistance , the lungs will withdraw the use of their bellows, the liver will desist from convoying any more blood through the veins for the good of the whole, the bladder will not be indebted to the kiddneys, so that the urine thereby will be totally stopped.The brains , in the interin, considering this unnatural course , will fall into raving dotage, and withhold all feeling from the sinews, and motion from the muscles. Briefly , in such such a world without order and array, owing nothing, lending nothing, and borrowing nothing, you would see a more dangerous conspiration than that which Aesop exposed in his Apologue.Such a world willl perish undoubtedly; and not only perish, but perish very quickly. Were it Aesculapitus himself, his body would immediately rot, and the chafing soul, full of indignation, take its flight to all the devils in hell after my money.

This is an outstanding passage of Panurge's,( and Rabelasian) outlook. It goes deep into Classical complex of the Universe, that being hierarchical and complicated, every step taken afresh which in some way owes its existence to its immediate predecessor.Inother words, the world regernerates onthe basis of hierarchy. .Everything functions on the principle of the HUMAN BODY. This is Great. And these are the New Times. Regeneration.

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le 9 nov. 2016

Critique lue 261 fois

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Critique lue 261 fois


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