Fiche technique

Titre original : Le Grand Meaulnes

Auteur :

Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 1913Langue d'origine : Français

Traducteur :

Françoise De Lysle

Éditeurs :

Houghton Mifflin Company, New Directions

Résumé : It is a rare pleasure, indeed, to present so exquisite a masterpiece. A quiet story of rural life - as on the surface it seems to be - put forth by an unknown author on the eve of the most catastrophic episode in recent history, in wich he himself perished, it was not likely to make much stir in men's minds. Acclaimed from the first by a few fine judges, it was only by a slow process of penetration that it began to take the high place wich it at length has won. Now, fifteen years after its first publication, there is no doubt about the reputation of this book in France and the neighboring countries. (Havelock Ellis, Introduction)