Saison 1

12 épisodes

(5 h)



Saison 1


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Can She Do It? A Real Life Maiden Game

S1 E1 Can She Do It? A Real Life Maiden Game

"I love seeing guys get along more than anything!" Serinuma Kae is a second year high school student who's always entertaining such wild thoughts and pairing boys up everywhere. Everyday, she enjoys discussing her fujoshi flavored fantasies with her like-minded friend, A-chan. But one day, Kae's favorite anime character dies, and she suddenly loses a lot of weight in shock. She becomes a head turning beauty, and because of that, gets asked out on a date by four hot guys from her school.

Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2016

The Strange Room and the Four High School Boys

S1 E2 The Strange Room and the Four High School Boys

After having lost weight, Kae does extremely well in PE class. Seeing that, some girls from the soccer club ask Kae to help play in a practice match. Kae has full confidence in her soccer knowledge, but she actually only knows soccer from soccer anime and has never actually played herself. And so, Igarashi from the soccer club, as well as Nanashima, Shinomiya and Mutsumi try to help her out.

Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2016

The Clear and Blue Autumn Sky, and Passionate Maiden

S1 E3 The Clear and Blue Autumn Sky, and Passionate Maiden

For the school cultural festival, Kae's class decides to host a cosplay café. Kae is fired up about designing the costumes not only for her classmates Igarashi and Nanashima, but also for Shinomiya, who's playing the role of a princess for his class which is putting on a play. But as excited as she gets about the costumes, she also has to help the history club set up its exhibition. With everyone's help, she manages to finish everything in time for the festival. And what follows is a date with the four hot guys...

Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2016

Christmas in the Holy Land

S1 E4 Christmas in the Holy Land

With Christmas around the corner, Nanashima suggests everyone have a party. However, Kae says she can't possibly make it because she's going to Comiket. In the end, everyone decides to go to Comiket together, then have a Christmas party afterwards. The boys are bewildered at their first visit to Comiket, and feel as though everyone is looking at them askance. Meanwhile, Kae is busy bustling about the entire venue, until she runs into some trouble at the cosplay plaza. And then, a handsome cosplayer saves her.

Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2016

Back to My Original Self! What Should I Do?

S1 E5 Back to My Original Self! What Should I Do?

The anime Mirage Saga is hosting a Valentine's event, and Kae decides to make a chocolate for Shun for the event. As Kae fusses over what chocolate to make in order to perfectly capture Shion's beauty, Nishina suggests Kae try making a 3-D chocolate sculpture. Kae agrees, and throws herself into making one, but is unable to improve in her ability to sculpt the chocolate at all. Nishina can't bear to see Kae saddened by her situation, so suggests Kae use the chocolate she made instead. What will Kae decide to do?

Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2016

Let the Shipping Wars Begin!

S1 E6 Let the Shipping Wars Begin!

A new anime, Katchu Ranbu, or Kachu Rabu for short, has started, and it's hugely popular. Bot Kae and Nishina are elated about the show, until they find out that they each ship Lord x Akane and Akane x Lord respectively and get into a huge fight. Their friendship appears to be heading to a halt, so Igarashi, Nanashima, Shinomiya and Mutsumi try to help the pair out. Unfortunately, it looks like their reverse ship war is just heating up.

Première diffusion : 11 novembre 2016

On a Journey to the Holy Land of Kachu Rabu

S1 E7 On a Journey to the Holy Land of Kachu Rabu

Everyone goes together on a one night trip in order to attend the death anniversary of Hyakki Sametora, the samurai the lord in Kachu Rabu is modelled after. Both Kae and Nishina are enraptured by the real armor and helmet Akane is modelled after, and a portrait of Sametora. After, Kae and the gang decide to go to a small island in a lake where Sametora's head is rumored to be buried. But what will happen next?

Première diffusion : 18 novembre 2016

I'm at a Disadvantage

S1 E8 I'm at a Disadvantage

After the group's pilgrimage is over, Nanashima begins to notice there's been a change in Kae's relationship with others in the group. Nanashima realizes his only advantage is that he looks like Shion, and with Shion out of the picture, he's lagging behind the rest. While dancing a dance from Puri Puri Moon with his little sister, Nanashima decides he needs to be more proactive. Meanwhile, Kae has decided to take up a part-time job at Usami Land to raise funds for upcoming Kachu Rabu events.

Première diffusion : 25 novembre 2016

The Beach! Bathing Suits! Time to Get Serious!

S1 E9 The Beach! Bathing Suits! Time to Get Serious!

Première diffusion : 2 décembre 2016

Brother Invasion

S1 E10 Brother Invasion

Première diffusion : 9 décembre 2016

Forward! Guard the Castle!

S1 E11 Forward! Guard the Castle!

Première diffusion : 16 décembre 2016

Kiss Him, Not Me

S1 E12 Kiss Him, Not Me

Première diffusion : 23 décembre 2016