Judge Dredd : The Complete Case Files 34

Fiche technique

Scénario :

Alan Grant, Garth Ennis, Gordon Rennie, John Wagner, Robbie Morrison

Dessin :

Collectif, Carlos Ezquerra, Henry Flint, Ian Gibson, Cam Kennedy, Greg Staples, Jock, Frazer Irving

Éditeur :

Rebellion 2000 AD
Date de publication (Royaume-Uni) : novembre 2019Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Mega-City One – a nightmarish enclosure located along the Eastern Seaboard of North America. Only the Judges – powerful law enforcers supporting the despotic Justice Department – can stop total anarchy running rife on the crime-ridden streets. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd – he is the law and these are his stories... Former foes pour out of the woodwork when a dimension jump gets hijacked, an assassin carries out executions under the direct orders of the Chief Judge, and a scrawny juve with a detachable jaw is kidnapped for the backstreet competitive eating circuit! Features action-packed stories from some of 2000 AD’s greatest, including Carlos Ezquerra, Ian Gibson, Jock, and Henry Flint!ISBN : 9781781086919