Fiche technique

Année : 2014

Pays d'origine :

Durée : 05 minDate de sortie (Royaume-Uni) : 28 avril 2014Date de sortie (France) : 28 avril 2014

Réalisateur :

Joe Talbot

Producteurs :

Lee Bryan, Sam Talbot, Joe Talbot

Synopsis : Jamie Johnson is a kid with a dream. A dream and a talent which could take him all the way to the very top. It’s a story about handling your parents (or lack of them) and getting through school with your friendships and soul intact. It’s about the girl you love, or will love when you’re old enough to understand what those feelings you’re having actually mean. It’s about being young, when you really believe if you reach for the moon, you can take it, despite the blows that the universe is constantly trying to throw at you. And it’s about football; the mud, the blood, the passion, the tears and the jumpers for goalposts on a Sunday in the park when you play with every fibre of your being and nothing else matters.

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