Although it isn't an unqualified masterpiece, "No" offers quite a pleasant moment to spend in a theater. It's always a good thing when you happen to find a movie that informs you about the outside world, isn't it? This re-enacting of the '88 chilian referendum is a good opportunity to revisit or discover this period (there are many pertinent and amusing details about the 80's, like this new breakthrough which is the micro-wave oven ) .

I like that Larrain has elected to show the referendum from the point of view of the marketting people that produced it. There is an interesting and amusing clash between the work of the production team that prepares naive trailers of the referendum, and the work of the advertising guy that creates an anti-Pinochet propaganda piece in his spare time. The man incharge of the campaign is played admirably by Bernal, excellent as always.

Some moving or light moments (the life of a young divorcee) alterante with graver , more worrying, instances, when the dictatorial government influences the daily business of the recording. Great scenes of popular upheavals, mixed along with excellent documentary footage give life to the movie.The narrative track (constructing the ads) melds nicely with the historical reality that is casually exposed.
Well, one can argue about the directors' choice to add some film grain to his movie, to give it a 80's shine, but personnally, i like it.

A good political movie, without much violence, well directed and well acted. What else do we need? Recommanded!!

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le 30 sept. 2015

Critique lue 239 fois


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Critique lue 239 fois

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