Fiche technique

Année : 1910

Pays d'origine :

Date de sortie (France) : 1910

Réalisateur :

Etienne Arnaud

Synopsis : Our hero, Amphitryon, has been for some time absent from his home while engaged in battle with a hostile nation. Alqmene, his wife, longs for the return of her husband. He, attacked with the same complaint, prepares himself to visit his wife. Jupiter looking from his throne notes these plans and things being slow in his realm, he resolves to have a little game of his own, so disguised as Amphitryon, he journeys away to visit Alqmene, reaching her before her husband does. He is effusively greeted, but things become a trifle confused when the real Amphitryon appears. Swords are drawn and blows are exchanged when Jupiter changes himself to the original image of Jupiter. Amphitryon and Alpmene fall on their knees, are forgiven, and Jupiter departs.

Casting de Amphitryon