Fiche technique

Titre original : Christian IVGenres : Drame, HistoriqueAnnée : 2018

Pays d'origine :

Date de sortie (Danemark) : 2018

Réalisateur :

Kasper Skovsbøl

Synopsis : The lm is a story about the great Danish King Christian IV and his tempestuous relationship with his second wife, Kirsten Munk. The lm depicts the King’s last hours, told exclusively from the horse carriage transporting him on his deathbed to Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen. The focal point is Christian and Kirsten’s turbulent marriage involving accusations of in delity and attempted murder.

Casting de C4

Rudi Köhnke

Le roi Christian IV (jeune)

Gustav Dyekjær Giese

Rhingreve Otto Ludwig

Rosalinde Mynster

Kirsten Munk (jeune)

Karen-Lise Mynster

Kirsten Munk (vieux)

Peter Plaugborg

Le physicien du roi

Baard Owe

Le roi Christian IV (vieux)

Lea Gregersen

Anna Cathrine

Stefan Mølholt

Le garde du roi