Lately I felt as if I couldn't find movies with an original and interesting concept. They all have the hero, the villain, the femenine side with a forced romance and always a fair and happy ending. It's boring and predictable.
I watched "You don't know Jack"(2010) and I was so happy to have found an interesting story, but when I watched Chungking Express, it threw me out of my chair. The screenplay is just amazing, original, funny, the narrative is perfect too. It seems like 2 love stories but in fact there are 4 different stories, 1 drug deal with murders, 2 depressed police men that can't move on and 1 hopeless stalker who falls in love. All of them failing at what they try to do, all conected by the Midnight Express and a simple Chef's salad.
I really loved every character, the 2 police men who seem to have autorithy and power but in reality are heart-broken, dealing with solitude, both going a little insane talking to objects, stuffed animals and eating pinnaple until getting sick. Both still in love with women who have moved on, both still remembering them and still hoping to be loved again.
Yet the 2 women are different, they do know exactly what they want and both find their way into doing it, either getting away with a failed deal and murder or almost living in a man's apartment without him noticing.
The photography direction is amazing as well. Starting with the speed tricks, like the first scene, the chase scenes and also the perfect composition. Looking for the golden ratio on most of it's phrames, looking for perfection.
The Art Direction is stunning! Every scene had a feeling, a well planned set of colors and props that made specific atmospheres. Starting with one of my favorites sequences with the indians and the drug deal. The sequence of the apartment, eating all that pineapple. Also the scene of the ex-couple in the apartment close to the airport. Great sets, great atmospheres.
The metaphor of the first female character, who uses a raincoat and sunglasses cause you never know if it'll be sunny or rainy. In the rest of the film we can watch the characters have a rainy day on May 1st, 1994. Find their ex with someone else on a rainy night, the same night that he finds out this new girl is gone, looking for a sunny California.
This movie is brilliant. The screenplay, the acting, dialogues, narrative, art direction, photography direction, soundtrack, everything is brilliant! And all together it's a piece of art.
Also I worked at the brand of the pinnaple cans "Del Monte". Just a fun fact.

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le 12 nov. 2017

Critique lue 291 fois

2 j'aime

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Critique lue 291 fois


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