First, we must all agree that Fincher was so clever for putting this movie together. Truly.

Let’s talk casting—perfection. Never seen Pitt in any movie that resembles Fight Club, and Norton, well, he was made for his role.

Now onto the plot itself. Quite really remarkable. It was so new seeing something from the eye of an insomniac—who at some point did no see clearly.

You can spoil here!

The fact that Tyler is just an alter ego he “created” in his mind (or he is just Tyler really). The narrator was always his own company (besides for when he was with Marla).

His mind was always onto something.

I think the people who genuinely believe that this movie was about creating a fight club missed the point of the plot. Sure, there’s eventually a fight club. But realistically the movie is just about surviving one’s hallucinations, resisting the temptation (from wanting a wealthy life). It’s about wanting love but not being able to really ask for it. It’s about despair and paranoia and wanting to get better but being unable to.

It also depicts contemporary societal issues; feminism, toxic masculinity, consumerism. There’s a reason we will always talk about Fight Club. Because it’s too good not to.

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le 7 janv. 2024

Critique lue 3 fois


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Critique lue 3 fois

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