
Jeu de Valve et Sierra Entertainment (1998PC)

Few weeks ago I mentioned to a friend that I never played any Half Life game (except one demo of the 2nd when I was a kid, just remembered a crowbar, mini-monsters and boxes to break). He then offered me the first episode during the last Steam sales. And so my journey began.

Ok the graphics have terribly aged. I tried to look for mods to improve the texture but quickly gave up. The gameplay is fast and responsive, there is no "dead time" and we unleash hell on every opponent that crosses our path. I found the level design fantastic and very intelligent. The guys at Valve are real architects or what ?!

I played the game on normal and I have to admit that some chapters were very hard. I am grateful the fast save/load exists. The game is very long (13 hours for a fps without any cut scene!), epic and proposes many different phases. The story is full of mystery and I am still unsure of what happened during the Black Mesa incident. And the end is... mind blowing. Wtf.

Overall I really appreciated the experience. I totally forgot the quality of the graphics and had a lot of fun. It's scary, fast and epic at the same time and I like how the developers explain things without saying a word.

Gameplay (fast and fun)
Length and different situations
The story seems interesting. Alien invasion and hidden plots.

No subtitle
Jump and platform phases a bit hard
Graphics have aged

Thanks for reading.

I'll skip the "DLC" though, I'll read a summary of the events and attack HL2 in the near future.

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à sa liste Terminés en 2019


le 12 déc. 2019

Critique lue 71 fois


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Critique lue 71 fois

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