Top 10 films de casse par Edgar Wright

Liste établie par IMDb en 2017 lors de la sortie de Baby Driver.
Commentaire par Edgar Wright (anglais).

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10 films

créee il y a presque 7 ans · modifiée il y a presque 7 ans


Heat (1995)

2 h 50 min. Sortie : 21 février 1996 (France). Policier, Drame, Thriller

Film de Michael Mann

TheBarker a mis 9/10.

Annotation :

"Heat is the granddaddy of heist movies because Michael Mann takes a relatively simple bank heist and turns it into something epic. The movie is nearly three hours and you’re tense for the entire thing. I remember seeing it for the first time, knowing that bank heist was coming and there was going to be a big action scene. The anticipation of that set piece kicking off, I remember it vividly. The set piece itself is so brilliantly shot and vivid and loud. The whole film is just incredible."

Les Quatre malfrats

Les Quatre malfrats (1972)

The Hot Rock

1 h 41 min. Sortie : 14 avril 1972 (France). Action, Comédie, Gangster

Film de Peter Yates

Annotation :

"A truly underrated heist movie. The plot is great because it feels like a Russian doll series of heists. One leads to another and they get themselves into stickier situations. It’s a film with four heists leading on from one another. It’s a really fun movie."


Guet-apens (1972)

The Getaway

2 h 03 min. Sortie : 25 janvier 1973 (France). Action, Policier, Thriller

Film de Sam Peckinpah

TheBarker l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"Walter Hill wrote an adaptation of Jim Thompson’s novel for Sam Peckinpah. It’s really great movie. I love the way it’s edited. That was a big influence on me. I love the opening sequence with Steve McQueen in prison. That’s a bit of an influence on Baby Driver."

L'or se barre

L'or se barre (1969)

The Italian Job

1 h 39 min. Sortie : 14 janvier 1970 (France). Action, Comédie, Gangster

Film de Peter Collinson

TheBarker l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"It’s such a fun caper. The minis are iconic. The Quincy Jones score is amazing. And I love, love, love the cliffhanger ending. I’ve always been curious as to how the ending came about because it’s such an interesting, odd way to end a movie. But I love it."

Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

1 h 39 min. Sortie : 2 septembre 1992. Gangster

Film de Quentin Tarantino

TheBarker a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.

Annotation :

"It’s a heist movie without showing the heist. I don’t know if there’s a more supremely confident debut movie, outside of Citizen Kane. Quentin Tarantino arrives on screen. Amazing."

Le Canardeur

Le Canardeur (1974)

Thunderbolt and Lightfoot

1 h 55 min. Sortie : 4 septembre 1974 (France). Comédie dramatique, Policier

Film de Michael Cimino

TheBarker l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"This is another film that’s very dear to me. It’s Michael Cimino's debut movie starring Clint Eastwood and a young Jeff Bridges. It builds up to them robbing this bank with a military cannon and is just a great heist movie. It’s really funny and has a great 70s ending. I love that movie."

Point Break - Extrême limite

Point Break - Extrême limite (1991)

Point Break

2 h 02 min. Sortie : 28 août 1991 (France). Action, Policier, Thriller

Film de Kathryn Bigelow

TheBarker a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"Point Break is a film very dear to my heart. It’s genuinely fantastic and really holds up. I watched it again recently on the big screen. Kathryn Bigelow directs action so well. It’s so brilliantly shot. It’s been a big influence on me a couple of times now, both on Hot Fuzz and Baby Driver. The aborted bank heist that turns into a foot chase is one of the greatest action scenes of all time."

Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

1 h 56 min. Sortie : 6 février 2002 (France). Policier, Thriller, Comédie

Film de Steven Soderbergh

TheBarker a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

"I’m not a huge fan of contemporary remakes, but one of the best of this century is Steven Soderbergh’s Ocean’s Eleven. It’s such a great way of updating a movie. The remake is fantastic, the twist really works, and it’s beautiful to look at. I watched it again recently and thought: “This is a great movie.”"

Le Gang Anderson

Le Gang Anderson (1971)

The Anderson Tapes

1 h 39 min. Sortie : 1 septembre 1971 (France). Policier, Action, Gangster

Film de Sidney Lumet

Annotation :

"It’s a Sidney Lumet film from the early 70s with Sean Connery, Christopher Walken and Martin Balsam. It’s got a Quincy Jones score. It’s a really interesting movie. I’m sure it was a big influence on Ocean's Eleven because it’s got a clever gotcha twist in it."

L'Ultime razzia

L'Ultime razzia (1956)

The Killing

1 h 25 min. Sortie : 3 octobre 1956 (France). Policier, Drame, Film noir

Film de Stanley Kubrick

Annotation :

"Stanley Kubrick’s first big hit and an amazing hard boiled movie. It’s amazing to see young Kubrick so in command."


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