Ces chansons que leur groupe ne veulent plus entendre (one-hit wonder)

ou la malédiction du one-hit wonder que certains on voulu evité mais sont obligé ou refusent de jouer pendant leurs concerts

Un one-hit wonder est un artiste (chanteur, chanteuse ou groupe de musique) connu pour avoir obtenu un seul véritable succès dans sa carrière. Le terme peut ...

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15 morceaux

créee il y a plus de 10 ans · modifiée il y a environ 10 ans


Creep (1992)

03 min. Sortie : septembre 1992. Alternative Rock, Grunge, Pop

Morceau de Radiohead

_Rapido a mis 10/10.

Je danse le mia

Je danse le mia (1993)

Je danse le Mia

03 min. Sortie : 1993 (France).

Morceau de IAM

Tainted Love (Live)

Tainted Love (Live) (2003)

Tainted Love

03 min. Sortie : 7 octobre 2003 (France).

Live de Soft Cell

Black Hole Sun

Black Hole Sun

05 min.

Morceau de Soundgarden

Pinball Wizard

Pinball Wizard (1988)

Pinball Wizard

03 min. Sortie : 1988 (France). Pop rock, Hard/metal

Morceau de The Who

Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven (1971)

Stairway to Heaven

08 min. Sortie : 1971. Hard Rock

Morceau de Led Zeppelin

_Rapido a mis 10/10.

Annotation :

Led Zeppelin hates "Stairway To Heaven"

It's not just the guitar shop in "Wayne's World" that operates a strict "no Stairway" policy. Led Zeppelin's own singer, and the song's lyricist, would rather never hear the eight-minute epic again either. Back in 1988, Robert Plant told the "LA Times:" "I'd break out in hives if I had to sing 'Stairway' in every show. I wrote those lyrics and found that song to be of some importance and consequence in 1971, but 17 years later, I don't know. It's just not for me...no more of 'Stairway to Heaven' for me.'' Fortunately for fans, grumpy Percy relented and performed the classic at their O2 reunion show, in 2007.

Blackwater Park

Blackwater Park (2001)

Blackwater Park

12 min. Sortie : 13 mars 2001 (France).

Morceau de Opeth

Annotation :


Let’s Dance

Let’s Dance (1983)

Let's Dance

07 min. Sortie : 1983 (France). Pop rock

Morceau de David Bowie

Annotation :

merci olivierBottin

My Sharona

My Sharona

04 min.

Morceau de The Knack

Shiny Happy People

Shiny Happy People (1991)

Shiny Happy People

03 min. Sortie : 11 mars 1991 (France). Pop rock

Morceau de R.E.M.

Annotation :

REM have written many irresistibly catchy songs in their 31-year career. But with 1991's "Shiny Happy People," we think the fine line between catchy and annoying was crossed. And the band's singer, Michael Stipe, seems to be in agreement: ''I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed by the song but it is what it is, has limited appeal for me. I try never to say anything bad about the songs that I don't particularly like. Because there might be someone out there who hears that to whom that song means everything, to whom that song represents something in their life which is essential and I don't want to take that from them.'' Too late!

Do They Know It's Christmas?

Do They Know It's Christmas?

03 min.

Morceau de Band Aid

Annotation :

The incredible amount of money Band Aid, and its counterpart We Are The World, raised for famine relief back in 1984, and the charity record/concert movement they kicked off, make them two of the most important pop records ever made.

But the man who started it all sees it somewhat differently. Last year, Bob Geldof told Fox News: "I am responsible for two of the worst songs in history. One is 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' and the other one is 'We Are The World.' Any day soon, I will go to the supermarket, head to the meat counter and it will be playing. Every f***ing Christmas." Come to think of it, Sir Bob is starting to resemble Scrooge...

Take My Breath Away

Take My Breath Away

04 min.

Morceau de Berlin

Let It Be

Let It Be (1970)

Let It Be

04 min. Sortie : 18 mai 1970 (France). Pop rock

Morceau de The Beatles

Annotation :

il parait qu'ils ne la supportaient plus !

Sweet Child O' Mine

Sweet Child O' Mine (1987)

Sweet Child o' Mine

05 min. Sortie : 27 octobre 1987 (France). Pop rock, Blues, Hard/metal

Morceau de Guns N’ Roses

_Rapido a mis 9/10.

Like a Virgin

Like a Virgin (1984)

Like a Virgin

03 min. Sortie : 5 novembre 1984 (France). Pop rock

Morceau de Madonna

Annotation :

En 2009, Madge a dit aux journalistes : "ils jouent toujours mon vieux truc quand je suis dans un magasin ou partout où je vais. Pour quelque raison les gens pensent que quand vous allez à un restaurant ou vous faites des courses vous voulez entendre une de vos propres chansons. C'est comme d'habitude" Like a Virgin "-et c'est celui que je ne veux pas entendre."


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