Evanouissements et malaises dans la salle de cinéma

Souvent des raisons qui me poussent à aller voir un film. En salle, si possible.

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10 films

créee il y a environ 11 ans · modifiée il y a environ 11 ans


Irréversible (2002)

1 h 37 min. Sortie : 22 mai 2002 (France). Drame, Thriller

Film de Gaspar Noé

Wykydtron IV a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

Selon le DVD : "Une vingtaine de personnes ont été victimes d'évanouissement ou de crises de nerfs au cours de la projection officielle au festival de Cannes. Plus de 200 spectateurs ont préféré quitter la salle (2400 places) avant la fin."

127 Heures

127 Heures (2010)

127 Hours

1 h 34 min. Sortie : 23 février 2011 (France). Aventure, Biopic, Drame

Film de Danny Boyle

Wykydtron IV a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"A survey on Movieline provides gives the tally to date: at least 13 faintings, one panic attack, two instances of light-headedness and three seizures."

A Serbian Film

A Serbian Film (2010)

Srpski film

1 h 44 min. Sortie : 19 janvier 2012 (France). Épouvante-Horreur, Thriller

Film de Srdjan Spasojevic

Wykydtron IV a mis 8/10, l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur, l'a mis en envie et a écrit une critique.

Annotation :

"in the Cannes market, one distributor was so disturbed by what they saw on screen that they tried to leave, becoming faint and disoriented on the way out before collapsing at the exit and falling face first into the door, breaking their nose and leaving a puddle of blood on the floor"


V/H/S (2012)

1 h 56 min. Sortie : 2012 (France). Épouvante-Horreur, Thriller

Film de Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, David Bruckner, Tyler Gillett, Justin Martinez, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swanberg, Chad Villella et Ti West

Annotation :

"It's been confirmed that an audience member passed out during last evening's 9:40pm screening of the film V/H/S at the Nuart theater in Los Angeles. This is the second confirmed fainting at a screening of V/H/S (the other happened at Sundance). Reports say the fainting caused quite a commotion in the audience, as the man apparently stood up and then proceeded to faint during the same exact scene that caused the Sundance incident."


Grace (2009)

1 h 25 min. Sortie : 15 juin 2011 (France). Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Paul Solet

Annotation :

“Two faints. One outside and one in the lobby. Egyptian owner confirmed that in 10 years it’s the first time it’s happened. Amazing screening.”


Dracula (1931)

1 h 15 min. Sortie : 22 janvier 1932 (France). Fantastique, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Tod Browning

Wykydtron IV a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

"In an introduction o a reprinting of the novel, Joan Acocella explains that, “ladies were carried, fainting, from the theatre.”"


Psychose (1960)


1 h 49 min. Sortie : 2 novembre 1960 (France). Thriller

Film de Alfred Hitchcock

Wykydtron IV a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

"During the shower scene in which Norman Bates repeatedly stabs a helpless Marion Crane, many people fainted."


L'Exorciste (1973)

The Exorcist

2 h 02 min. Sortie : 11 septembre 1974 (France). Épouvante-Horreur

Film de William Friedkin

Wykydtron IV a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"Theatergoers reportedly fainted, screamed, and vomited during the film — specifically the arteriography scene, when the medical tech inserts the needle and blood spurts from the girl’s neck. One theater owner in Toronto said he had a plumber on call to clear the toilets. There are other rumors that people suffered heart attacks, and even one sad report of a woman having a miscarriage."
"A filmgoer who saw the movie in 1974 during its original release fainted and broke his jaw on the seat in front of him. He then sued Warner Brothers and the filmmakers, claiming that the use of subliminal imagery in the film had caused him to pass out. The studio settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. The film affected many audiences so strongly that at many theaters, paramedics were called to treat people who fainted and others who went into hysterics."


Saw III (2006)

1 h 47 min. Sortie : 22 novembre 2006 (France). Thriller, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Darren Lynn Bousman

Wykydtron IV a mis 4/10.

Annotation :

"The UK release of Saw III saw three separate calls to emergency services to help those who had passed out while watching the film."


Frozen (2010)

1 h 33 min. Sortie : 13 octobre 2011 (France). Drame, Thriller

Film de Adam Green (I)

Wykydtron IV l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"numerous faintings were reported at its Sundance screening."

Wykydtron IV

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