Learning React - Functional Web Development with React and Redux

Fiche technique

Auteurs :

Eve Porcello, Alex Banks
Date de publication (pays d'origine) : 18 mai 2017Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

O'Reilly Media
ISBN : 9781491954621

Résumé : If you want to learn how to build efficient user interfaces with React, this is your book. Authors Alex Banks and Eve Porcello show you how to create UIs with this small JavaScript library that can deftly display data changes on large-scale, data-driven websites without page reloads. Along the way, you'll learn how to work with functional programming and the latest ECMAScript features. Developed by Facebook, and used by companies including Netflix, Walmart, and The New York Times for large parts of their web interfaces, React is quickly growing in use. By learning how to build React components with this hands-on guide, you'll fully understand how useful React can be in your organization.