Fiche technique

Auteur :

Carol Queen
Genre : Culture & sociétéDate de publication (pays d'origine) : Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : avril 1997

Éditeur :

Cleis Press

Résumé : When she was a kid, Carol Queen was called "Queen the Queer." "Queer" was still very much an insult at the time, not the term of power and pride it has recently become. Similarly, sex was called a bad thing, a nasty thing, even for, perhaps especially for, good girl feminists. Like other sex-positive folks of her generation, Carol Queen is re-evaluating the range and possibilities of sexual experience and identity. This book gathers previously published essays on topics ranging from pelvic exams, pornography law, the men's movement, sex as art, Madonna, and sacred whoredom. Queen is an intelligent, funny writer.