Fiche technique

Auteur :

Cash Carraway
Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 11 juillet 2019Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Ebury Press
ISBN : 9781529103373

Groupe :

Skint Estate

Résumé : In Skint Estate, Cash has found her voice – loud, raw and cutting. This is a book born straight from life lived in Britain below the poverty line – a brutal landscape savaged by universal credit, zero-hours contracts, rising rents and public service funding cuts. Told with a dark lick of humour and two-fingers up to the establishment, Cash takes us on her isolated journey from council house childhood to single motherhood, working multiple jobs yet relying on food banks and temporary accommodation, all while skewering stereotypes of what it means to be working class.