Fiche technique

Auteurs :

Keith R.A Decandido, David Weddle, Jeffrey Lang, S.D. Perry
Genres : Recueil de nouvelles, Version originale, Science-fictionDate de publication (États-Unis) : 22 mai 2007Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Pocket Books/Star Trek
ISBN : 978-1416534150

Groupes :

Star Trek, Star Trek - Deep Space Nine

Résumé : The Dominion War is over...or is it? Three months after the Allied victory against the invaders from the Gamma Quadrant, a surprise attack awakens the fear of renewed hostilities. At the same time, a senseless murder sets a space station commander on a path that will test the limits of her faith...while a strange discovery within the plasma storms of the Badlands propels an old soldier toward a rendezvous with destiny. Elsewhere, amidst the ruins of an ancient civilization, a young man is about to embark on a dangerous quest to fill the hole in his life—one left by the loss of his father.