Fiche technique

Auteur :

Diana Wynne Jones
Genres : Roman, Version originaleDate de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 1984Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Greenwillow Books
ISBN : 9780060298890, 9780416492606, 9780441028924

Résumé : The trouble started when Howard Sykes came home from school and found the "goon" sitting in the kitchen. He said he'd been sent by Archer. But who was Archer? It had to do with the 2,000 words that Howard's author father had failed to deliver. It soon became clear not only that Archer wanted those words, but that his wizard siblings, Hathaway, Dillian, Shine, Torquil, Erskine, and Venturus, would also go to any lengths to get them. Although each wizard ruled a section of the town, he or she was a prisoner in it. Each suspected that one of them held the secret behind the words, and that secret was the key to their freedom. Which one of them was it? The Sykes family become pawns in the wizards' fight to win their freedom, wrest control from one another, and fan out to rule the world.