Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night

Anime (mangas) Teletama (2006)

Fansub anglais vu sur KissAnime.

A standard "hero's journey" with lots of sudden power revelations and an almost decent love story (Saber's affection growing suddenly after the "sex" moment is laughable despite being a classic movies event). The construction is classic for a 24eps TV show with the first half introducing characters and establishing the heroes and the second part being more about the conflict, changes and resolution (people who complain about the lack of events in eps1-10 must have seen no other full-length show before).
The atmosphere was well build thanks to the music (but not thanks to the lighting management who desperately tried to enhance a lot of scenes), and the focus on the main characters despite the myriad of people involved (for dubious reasons sometimes) made it possible to tell a story. Meanwhile, the drawings were usually correct (though a few instances were ugly) but didn't counter the mostly uninteresting designs. Apart from maybe a few shots in a certain blade fight, the direction was not up to deliver action nor emotion. It also didn't made up for the lack of animation. It was easy to discern a will to avoid movements even during physical/sword fighting and to privilege shots and energy attacks (less animation needed).
The meaningless villain is a definitive negative point. Also, I didn't personally like most of the reknown figures reinvention (but this has nothing to do with the series itself).

5.5+/10 (German and english lines were funny.)

It is certainly not what most people want you to think it is. (as usual with the average anime internet consumer)

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le 12 nov. 2020

Critique lue 238 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 238 fois

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