
Saison 1


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Parting from the village

S1 E1 Parting from the village

Première diffusion : 7 avril 1979

With fox and eagle owl

S1 E2 With fox and eagle owl

Dwelling in the country

S1 E3 Dwelling in the country

The stolen nuts

S1 E4 The stolen nuts

Like the eagle owl the weasel hunted

S1 E5 Like the eagle owl the weasel hunted

The thing with the turtle

S1 E6 The thing with the turtle

Clay is disappeared

S1 E7 Clay is disappeared

Lilly sits in the leave in the lurch

S1 E8 Lilly sits in the leave in the lurch

Lightning and clap of thunder

S1 E9 Lightning and clap of thunder

The wrong fox

S1 E10 The wrong fox

As from a squirrel a rabbit became

S1 E11 As from a squirrel a rabbit became

The thing with the queue

S1 E12 The thing with the queue

Pointed ear and the fly mushrooms

S1 E13 Pointed ear and the fly mushrooms

The swindle with the dead fox

S1 E14 The swindle with the dead fox

Oskar, the porcupine

S1 E15 Oskar, the porcupine

The stars do not lie

S1 E16 The stars do not lie

Red belly wants to improve

S1 E17 Red belly wants to improve

Two rats named Non and Nen

S1 E18 Two rats named Non and Nen

Felix finds a treasure

S1 E19 Felix finds a treasure

Uncle eagle owl bitter end o

S1 E20 Uncle eagle owl bitter end o

Probably live, you beautiful forest

S1 E21 Probably live, you beautiful forest

A journey with obstacles

S1 E22 A journey with obstacles

The search goes far

S1 E23 The search goes far

However in a large city

S1 E24 However in a large city

Snowstorm in the wolf ravine

S1 E25 Snowstorm in the wolf ravine

Where the wedding bells ring

S1 E26 Where the wedding bells ring

Première diffusion : 29 septembre 1979