Saison 1

26 épisodes

(13 h)



Saison 1

Saison 6


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Terrible Tudors

S1 E1 Terrible Tudors

Mo is about to lose her soccer team to Darren, and she does not like it one bit! The narrator zaps her and Stitch to Elizabethan England where they meet Queen Elizabeth I. Will Mo learn about how to coach her soccer team by watching how Elizabeth rules her kingdom?

Première diffusion : 1 janvier 2001

Angry Aztecs

S1 E2 Angry Aztecs

Stitch and Mo think they have good luck, but the narrator tells them that luck isn't what it's cracked up to be! He zaps the two to the Aztec Empire where they learn that the Aztecs were the most superstitious people in history!

Première diffusion : 8 janvier 2001

Measly Middle Ages

S1 E3 Measly Middle Ages

Mo is grounded until she decides to clean up her room! However, Mo refuses because she has civic rights. The narrator then zaps her and Stitch to Feudal England where the peasants live in their own filth and all the civic rights go to King John. Will Mo ever learn her lesson?

Première diffusion : 15 janvier 2001

Vicious Vikings

S1 E4 Vicious Vikings

Stitch, Mo, and Darren have the same report in history class: Vikings, and Darren thinks that he will beat Stitch and Mo by a long shot! The narrator then zaps the two to Greenland where they meet Erik the Red, and his ignored son Leif Eriksson and learn about the true histories of the famed seamen.

Première diffusion : 1 février 2001

Groovy Greeks

S1 E5 Groovy Greeks

Stitch and Mo get into an argument after they're late for gym class. Darren challenges the two to the art of wrestling, making one of them face him. The narrator then zaps Stitch and Mo to Ancient Greece where wrestling was a popular sport in the Olympics. But will the journey teach them to make up?

Première diffusion : 8 février 2001

Rotten Romans

S1 E6 Rotten Romans

A student couldn't make it for teacher conference, so Darren came to take his place! While he was making his speech, he was wearing red boots. Stitch and Mo wonder why? The narrator zaps them to Ancient Rome where they meet Julius Caesar. Will they solve the red boot mystery?

Première diffusion : 15 février 2001

The Wild West

S1 E7 The Wild West

Darren forces Stitch and Mo to go down a scary-looking snowboarding course! Stitch and Mo think they should just give up but the narrator zaps them to the Wild West where they meet a blacksmith and learn that there's always an opportunity.

Première diffusion : 21 février 2001

Savage Stone Age

S1 E8 Savage Stone Age

Stitch and Mo's feelings are hurt after Darren called them neanderthals, but the narrator zaps them to the Stone Age to teach them that neanderthals were more than we thought they were!

Première diffusion : 21 février 2001

Revolting Revolution

S1 E9 Revolting Revolution

Darren is being unfair to everyone when took his uncle's job as keeper of a paintball court! The narrator then zaps Stitch and Mo to the American Revolution where they get separated and learn more from the two sides: the Americans and the British.

Première diffusion : 21 février 2001

Royal Pain

S1 E10 Royal Pain

Stitch thinks that his relatives are royalty and wishes to be "King of Doughnuts". The narrator then zaps him and Mo to see three of the world's most famous kings. Will Stitch learn his lesson and find out that royalty is not what it's cracked up to be, or will he just keep thinking about building a doughnut castle?

Première diffusion : 28 février 2001

Ingenious Industrialists

S1 E11 Ingenious Industrialists

Stitch and Mo want their own jobs, so the narrator zaps them to the Industrial Revolution where children are bound to have jobs! But will they be successful?

Première diffusion : 7 mars 2001

Marvelous Marco Polo

S1 E12 Marvelous Marco Polo

Darren knows about nature far more than Stitch and Mo do, which made them pretty upset. The narrator zaps them to Mongol China where they meet Marco Polo. Will they learn the secrets of the great outdoors?

Première diffusion : 14 mars 2001

Trading Timbuktu

S1 E13 Trading Timbuktu

Mo trades her brand new comic book for a trashy, old one! Mo is pretty upset by her trade, so the narrator zaps her and Stitch to the Mali Empire where common items were made their weight in gold. They also meet a man who wishes to be a magician. Will Mo learn the tricks for the trade?

Première diffusion : 6 avril 2001

Battlin' Bolivar

S1 E1 Battlin' Bolivar

Stitch and Mo fail at building a doughnut-making machine for a science fair. The narrator zaps them to South America where they meet Simón Bolívar.

Première diffusion : 1 janvier 2002

Amazing Aussies

S1 E1 Amazing Aussies

Stitch and Mo are sent to detention after Mo put her cousin's lizard Slimeball into Darren's locker. Darren then tells the two one terrible thing: "Once a criminal, always a criminal"! The narrator then zaps Stitch and Mo to Australia where they were being taken as prisoners. They also meet Captain William Bligh and find out how life in Australia is!

Première diffusion : 8 janvier 2002

Challenging China

S1 E2 Challenging China

Stitch and Mo are terrified to find out that Darren Dongle is moving into Mo's neighborhood! Mo then thinks about building a wall so Dongol won't any them! The narrator then zaps the two to Ancient China and find the Great Wall. But building it isn't all what it's cracked up to be!

Première diffusion : 15 janvier 2002

Magnificent Mounties

S1 E3 Magnificent Mounties

There is garbage all over Stitch and Mo's favorite park! The two both cleaned up the park, but then a garbage truck came to dump more trash in! Stitch and Mo then decided to give up, but the narrator zaps the two to Canada where Stitch gets captured by a criminal and Mo teams up with mounties to save him. Will Mo find Stitch, or will Stitch end up playing the blues?

Première diffusion : 22 janvier 2002

Rockin' Renaissance

S1 E4 Rockin' Renaissance

Stitch and Mo have trouble deciding what to paint for art show, so the narrator zaps them to the Renaissance where Michelangelo and where Mo gets a crush on his assistant Guido!

Première diffusion : 29 janvier 2002

Awesome Egyptians

S1 E5 Awesome Egyptians

Stitch and Mo have to find away to defeat Darren and his snowball-launcher in the simplest of ways. The narrator zaps them to Ancient Egypt where they meet Tutankhamen. King Tut ordered them to find a place for the party of the great flood. But his adviser get jealous at them and try to get rid of them.

Première diffusion : 7 février 2002

Perilous Plagues

S1 E6 Perilous Plagues

Stitch is afraid to get his shot, so he and Mo gets zapped to Italy where the Bubonic Plague is spreading! Will Stitch learn his lesson why getting medicine is important?

Première diffusion : 14 février 2002

Stormin' Scots

S1 E7 Stormin' Scots

The terrier mascot of Stitch and Mo's basketball team has disappeared, and the team are desperate without it! The narrator zaps the two to Scotland where they meet King Robert the Bruce. The Scottish are trying to get their independence by getting the Stone of Destiny back!

Première diffusion : 21 février 2002

Surprising Samurai

S1 E8 Surprising Samurai

Mo doesn't want to waste her time with her grandma Grannykins. Instead, she wants to play her new samurai video game! The narrator then zaps her and Stitch to Heian era Japan where they learn what being a samurai is all about!

Première diffusion : 21 février 2002

Gnarly North Pole

S1 E9 Gnarly North Pole

Stitch and Mo are supposed to compete against Darren in an obstacle course! When Stitch and Mo think they're going to lose, the narrator zaps to the Arctic Circle where they Robert Edwin Peary, the first man ever to make it to the North Pole!

Première diffusion : 4 mars 2002

Highly Hawaiin

S1 E10 Highly Hawaiin

Mo can't stand that the "one glass of mil at a time" rule keeps the lunch line waiting! Plus, she doesn't want to miss out on the surf club showing a video of the Malolo Pupule, the best surf move in the world! The narrator then zaps her and Stitch to Hawaii where there were many unusual rules(or what the Hawaiians called "kapus")!

Première diffusion : 11 mars 2002

Extraordinary Explorers

S1 E11 Extraordinary Explorers

Stitch and Mo are forced to take to two dopey students as partners in Capture the Flag. The narrator zaps the two to the Rocky Mountains where they meet Lewis and Clark and their unusual partner Sacagawea!

Première diffusion : 18 mars 2002

Captivating Columbus

S1 E12 Captivating Columbus

Darren Dongle is the substitute teacher and challenges Stitch and Mo to a true-or-false quiz about the Christopher Columbus! Zapping them back in time won't help them, so they're on their own!

Première diffusion : 25 mars 2002