Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn

Série BBC One (2014)

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Mary is such a complicated character. Not in a good way. Every decision she makes go against the one she made before. And the rest are not better. She's just the worst. So annoying.
You have nowhere to go but your Aunt's and what do you do? Makes everything possible to destroy that family.

The writing is full holes, passing from one scene to another. Reminder that music does not help in the understanding of the story. The scenes does. And you always feel like you're missing something..
And its base of a book

Do not recommend

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le 29 juil. 2023

Critique lue 33 fois


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Critique lue 33 fois

D'autres avis sur Jamaica Inn

Jamaica Inn

Critique de Jamaica Inn par Artelion

Bien aimé, même si on aurait pu exploré davantage les personnages en plus d’épisodes

le 10 août 2023

Jamaica Inn

Critique de Jamaica Inn par KittyMinerve

Mary is such a complicated character. Not in a good way. Every decision she makes go against the one she made before. And the rest are not better. She's just the worst. So annoying. You have nowhere...

le 29 juil. 2023

Du même critique

Jamaica Inn

Critique de Jamaica Inn par KittyMinerve

Mary is such a complicated character. Not in a good way. Every decision she makes go against the one she made before. And the rest are not better. She's just the worst. So annoying. You have nowhere...

le 29 juil. 2023


Critique de Hercule par KittyMinerve

J'aime ce genre de film. Je suis bon public pour les films "historique" d'action mais avec humour (ex La momie). Et si ya Dwayne Johnson ? je regarde !

le 23 juil. 2023