Saison 1

26 épisodes

(10 h 50 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2


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The Human Torpedo

S1 E1 The Human Torpedo

Lockie Leonard and his family arrive in their new town, Angelus. Lockie meets and get to know the locals, including Egg, a weird kid from the bogan tribe, and Vicki Streeton, the first girl he's ever met who causes him to forget how to speak. If it weren't for the great waves in Angelus, life would be looking pretty scary.

Première diffusion : 19 juin 2007

Stormy Mondays

S1 E2 Stormy Mondays

Lockie's first day of high school runs exactly to plan... not! After quickly making an enemy, Lockie is an immediate target for all kinds of treatment at school.

Première diffusion : 20 juin 2007

Lockie Chickens Out

S1 E3 Lockie Chickens Out

Mum decides it's time Lockie learns about his changing body. Meanwhile, Lockie continues to be a target and nearly loses the only friend he has.

Première diffusion : 21 juin 2007

To Cheat or Not To Cheat

S1 E4 To Cheat or Not To Cheat

When Lockie mouths off in maths class, Mum is called into the office. As usual, Mum blames herself and Lockie wonders if it would be easier for Mum if he was born a girl. Lockie and Egg stare temptation in the face when they find the answers to Old Squasher's mathematics test. Meanwhile, Sarge embarks on a war on sarcasm... that should be successful.

Première diffusion : 26 juin 2007


S1 E5 Cyril

Lockie questions why his dad Sarge insists on being so "different". It's hard enough fitting into a new town without Sarge drawing attention to the family - like insisting the thing they need is a pet sheep named Cyril.

Première diffusion : 27 juin 2007

A Water Feature

S1 E6 A Water Feature

Lockie's hormones cruise into town and create chaos, causing him to make a fool of himself in front of Vicki Streeton. All up, puberty is looking to be a bumpy ride for Lockie. Philip gains a new perspective on his problem when his grandparents visit.

Première diffusion : 28 juin 2007

Match of the Day

S1 E7 Match of the Day

After five weeks in Angelus, Lockie is still an outsider - how could this happen? Desperate to be one of the gang, Lockie takes up football.

Première diffusion : 3 juillet 2007

The Details

S1 E8 The Details

Lockie Leonard is officially a teenager. But, hold on - do things feel any different? Everything does! Vicki Streeton kisses Lockie, promising to sort out "The Details" later.

Première diffusion : 4 juillet 2007

Weird Genes

S1 E9 Weird Genes

After his disaster with Vicki, Lockie hibernates in his room for days. His family has had enough - poor Phillip has even broken into a rash.

Première diffusion : 5 juillet 2007


S1 E10 Miracles

Suffering from Easter holidays boredom, Lockie decides it's time to teach Egg how to swim. But the boys get more then they bargained for when they discover the river is polluted.

Première diffusion : 10 juillet 2007

X Marks the Dot

S1 E11 X Marks the Dot

Thanks to Phillip, breaking news about Lockie and Dot is spreading across Angelus like wildfire. Lockie is mortified.

Première diffusion : 11 juillet 2007

Dog Days

S1 E12 Dog Days

Lockie and Egg prepare for their public meeting to help save the river. At first, Lockie's committed to the cause... until Dot asks him to surf, that is.

Première diffusion : 12 juillet 2007

It's Not You, It's Me

S1 E13 It's Not You, It's Me

Lockie has some problems. First, he's decided to break up with Dot. It's just figuring out how that's tricky. Fortunately, Captain Chicken is on hand to help with his and Egg's efforts to stop the river polution. Meanwhile, Mum is acting weird, staring for hours at the TV.

Première diffusion : 17 juillet 2007

Pure Poetry

S1 E14 Pure Poetry

Just when life is finally uncomplicated, Lockie falls for Vicki Streeton all over again... and it's driving him to distraction. Mum and Sarge try to instill in Lockie the value of poetry. Lockie starts the Angelus High Board Riders Association but is challenged for top spot by Boof.

Première diffusion : 18 juillet 2007

The Ladder Of Love

S1 E15 The Ladder Of Love

Lockie and Vicki are back on. And unlike before, Lockie takes the public attention in his stride.

Première diffusion : 19 juillet 2007


S1 E16 Brothers

When dancing-challenged Lockie realises he's expected to bust some moves at the upcoming blue light disco, he takes his insecurities out on Phillip. Phillip is kept busy on a top secret assignment, "Project Lisa".

Première diffusion : 24 juillet 2007

Swamp Rat

S1 E17 Swamp Rat

Lockie is invited to go water-skiing with Vicki and her parents, and assures Vicki he's a good skier. In reality he has never skied before. Rev Egg's job is on the line when he is evaluated by assessors from the church. After having his heart broke, Phillip preoccupiers himself in trying to create better tasting green jelly babies.

Première diffusion : 25 juillet 2007

Face The Fear

S1 E18 Face The Fear

After a misunderstanding with Vicki, Lockie is thrust into a looming altercation with an older bogan. Lockie's mum must also face her fears when she is asked my Mrs Egg to pose for a sculpture — in the nude.

Première diffusion : 26 juillet 2007

Lockie Takes The Cake

S1 E19 Lockie Takes The Cake

Lockie is stressed out. Out of the 365 days in the year, why did Vicky and Phillip have to be born on the same one? Desperate for money to buy two presents, Lockie and Egg try their hand at busking. Mum gets a new bread machine. Bead Boy helps make Vicky's birthday party truly unforgettable.

Première diffusion : 31 juillet 2007

The Clock's TIckin'

S1 E20 The Clock's TIckin'

Lockie and a bunch of kids from school are off to John East's Camp Find Yourself. The clock's ticking for Egg as he faces a difficult decision about his future. Lockie's relationship with Vicky is put to the test.

Première diffusion : 1 août 2007

Zig Zag Hill

S1 E21 Zig Zag Hill

When Mum becomes sick, Lockie is forced to be mature and responsible.

Première diffusion : 2 août 2007

Angels And Monsters

S1 E22 Angels And Monsters

Phillip needs cheering up, so Lockie enters them in the Annual Angelus Fishing Competition.

Première diffusion : 7 août 2007

Boredom Busters

S1 E23 Boredom Busters

Lockie and the family become the focus of small-town charity.

Première diffusion : 8 août 2007

Barry Goes Pop

S1 E24 Barry Goes Pop

Nan's cooking causes some hot air to rise in the Leonard house.

Première diffusion : 9 août 2007

The Domino Effect

S1 E25 The Domino Effect

Joy... To The World

S1 E26 Joy... To The World