Saison 1

6 épisodes

(2 h)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3


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Visions brûlantes

S1 E1 Visions brûlantes

Dans une allée glauque de New York, un rendez-vous discret entre deux journalistes du Washington Post et leur informateur tourne au bain de sang. Surgie de nulle part, une créature dénommé Spawn

Première diffusion : 19 janvier 1997

Intention démoniaque

S1 E2 Intention démoniaque

Bill Kincaid jette les cadavres de ses jeunes victimes dans l'allée où se terre Spawn. Le mort-vivant se laisse amadouer par les sans-logis. Plus tard, alors que le sénateur McMillan dévoile son secret, le clown révèle sa véritable apparence. La bataille entre le Ciel et l'Enfer peut continuer...

Première diffusion : 23 mai 1997

Nul repos, nulle paix

S1 E3 Nul repos, nulle paix

Bill Kincaid jette les cadavres de ses jeunes victimes dans l'allée où se terre Spawn. Le mort-vivant se laisse amadouer par les sans-logis. Plus tard, alors que le sénateur McMillan dévoile son secret, le clown révèle sa véritable apparence. La bataille entre le Ciel et l'Enfer peut continuer...

Première diffusion : 30 mai 1997


S1 E4 Dominos

Tels des dominos, tous les personnages qui gravitent autour de Spawn s'entrecroisent. Chapel menace Twist, Wanda tente de remonter la piste qui devrait la mener au tueur d'enfant. Une nouvelle venue débarque à Manhattan, Angela, dont la mission est, depuis des siècles, de tuer les créatures de l'enfer. Twist, de son côté, reçoit un colis macabre...

Première diffusion : 6 juin 1997

Des âmes dans la balance

S1 E5 Des âmes dans la balance

Warriors can feel forces massing against them. The agonizing wait for battle becomes a way of life, turning and twisting their dark souls. Feeding tense rage that boils deep within every Hellspawn. They rage at the unfairness of their plight. Rat City. A crazed STREET PREACHER holds a boy against his will. His weapons are his madness and his body wrapped in grenades. Several cops are blown to shreds helplessly trying to free the boy from the preachers grasp. An angry cop takes out his frustration on Gareb. Spawn is forced to intercede, and violently attacks the rampaging officer. Angered by the cops abuse of power, he leaves the cop pinned to a wall as a message to others. Meanwhile, Jason Wynn's political puppet, Senator McMillian is hard on the campaign trail. Wynn is unhappy with several of the Senator's political moves and suggests that he follow his directions more closely. Wynn has a strangle hold on the senator and the senator must obey. To make matters worse Wynn has caught w

Première diffusion : 13 juin 1997

Fin de jeu

S1 E6 Fin de jeu

After torturing a stool-pigeon, Spawn learns that it was Antonio Twistelli who kidnapped Cyan while at the safe house. But Tony's boys have lost the girl to the deadly hands of Billy Kincaid. News of the screw-up travels fast and Jason Wynn confronts Senator McMillian about Billy's actions. McMillian denies any knowledge of his killer son's doings, and both men are left wondering who could be behind it. Wynn believes the senator has nothing to do with the interference and is convinced that there are other players in the mix who are screwing with his plans. He sends Chapel off to track down the weapon thief, while he concocts his next move. Meanwhile, Antonio Twistelli prepares to leave town knowing that losing the child will cause him a great deal of trouble. But before he can leave, Spawn descends out of the darkness and makes the fat mob boss talk. All Spawn gets out of him is a physical description of Billy and that he drives an ice-cream truck. Downtown, Twitch has uncovered the

Première diffusion : 20 juin 1997