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The Mystery of Oak Island

S3 E1 The Mystery of Oak Island

Richard sets up the investigation one of Canada's best known mysteries, The Oak Island Treasure. Also known as "The Money Pit", the site has become one of the world's deepest and most costly archaeological digs. Some believe that a deep hole island on the island contains buried riches, or even the Holy Grail or Arc of the Covenant. Watch and discover what you believe.

Première diffusion : 11 août 2014

Energy Healing

S3 E2 Energy Healing

Richard investigates the phenomenon of Energy and Spiritual Healing. Several energy healers claim they are able to produce spontaneous, miraculous healings through a laying on of hands. Claims of healings by a man in a remote village in Brazil, known as "John of God", are also examined. A skeptic argues that the subtle energy said to be at work during these healings is not detectable and claims of spontaneous healings have not been independently verified nor subjected to proper scientific scrutiny.

Première diffusion : 18 août 2014

The Execution of MLK and the Framing of James Earl Ray

S3 E3 The Execution of MLK and the Framing of James Earl Ray

In this re-examination of the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Richard meets several researchers who provide evidence that the convicted gunman, James Earl Ray was not the real triggerman. Further the researchers claim the plot was orchestrated at the highest levels of government and law enforcement. A noted debunker in the skeptic community refutes these claims as unfounded.

Première diffusion : 25 août 2014

The Birthers - Obama's Birth Certificate

S3 E4 The Birthers - Obama's Birth Certificate

Richard interviews several prominent "Birthers" who present evidence they claim proves Barak Obama is not eligible to be President because he does not meet the qualifications of a natural born citizen. Further, they argue that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery.

Première diffusion : 1 septembre 2014

RFID Chips

S3 E5 RFID Chips

Could implantable RFID chips or radio frequency identification tags – currently in widespread use in retail industry – be used to surreptitiously track and control people? Richard speaks with several researchers who believe RFID chips present a serious threat to privacy and civil liberties. A professor of computer science and skeptic argues that fear of RFID chips is rooted in paranoia, not scientific fact. Further, he maintains RFID chips do not have the capability of long-range surveillance.

Première diffusion : 8 septembre 2014

The Assassination of John Lennon

S3 E6 The Assassination of John Lennon

The Conspiracy Show travels to New York, LA, and Toronto in order to investigate the murder of John Lennon. Several researchers posit that Lennon’s supposed killer, Mark David Chapman, was either a patsy or a mind-controlled assassin, and that Lennon was targeted for assassination by the by either the CIA or Britain’s MI6.

Première diffusion : 15 septembre 2014

Is Jim Morrison Alive?

S3 E7 Is Jim Morrison Alive?

Is it conceivable that the Doors legendary front man did not die in a bathtub in Paris of an apparent drug overdose? Richard speaks with a rock ‘n roll investigator in Nashville, a noted researcher of the highly strange in Los Angeles, and Morrison’s former brother-in-law, who all maintain that it’s entirely possible that Jim Morrison pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes of all time.

Première diffusion : 22 septembre 2014

The Water Engine

S3 E8 The Water Engine

Did the late Stanley Meyer figure out a way to run an internal combustion engine on pure water? And was he murdered because of the threat his invention posed to Big Oil? Richard speaks with a researcher with a PhD in Electrical Engineering, as well as two self-taught, backyard-tinkerers who believe the legends surrounding Meyer and his invention are true.

Première diffusion : 6 octobre 2014

The Murder of Marilyn Monroe

S3 E9 The Murder of Marilyn Monroe

Did this pop icon and blond bombshell succumb to a drug overdose in 1962 as we’ve been led to believe, or was she killed for knowing too much? Did pillow talk with her lovers, Bobby and John F. Kennedy, lead to her untimely demise? The Conspiracy Show travels to southern California to unravel the truth behind the death of silver screen legend.

Première diffusion : 13 octobre 2014

Is the Cure for Cancer Being Suppressed?

S3 E10 Is the Cure for Cancer Being Suppressed?

Richard investigates claims that the medical profession, drug companies, food industry, government agencies, and other vested interests are conspiring to suppress various proven cancer cures.

Première diffusion : 27 octobre 2014

The Bilderberg Group

S3 E11 The Bilderberg Group

A glimpse backstage at the highly secretive annual gathering of the world’s richest and most powerful movers and shakers. Richard speaks with several Bilderberg investigators who argue that once behind closed doors, this powerful cabal plot, conspire and stage-manage world events.

Première diffusion : 3 novembre 2014

The Shroud of Turin

S3 E12 The Shroud of Turin

Is this famous piece of linen the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ or a clever medieval hoax? Richard speaks with top Shroud investigators, who provide the latest scientific evidence they claim proves the cloth is not only authentic, but contains evidence of an actual resurrection event.

Première diffusion : 10 novembre 2014

The Fake Arab Spring?

S3 E13 The Fake Arab Spring?

Who was really behind a series of revolts, protests, and uprisings that swept the Middle East starting in late 2010? Did social networking students and young professionals really inspire these revolutions, or were these insurgencies funded and orchestrated by the US State Department, Wall Street and NATO? Two journalists and an independent researcher/broadcaster argue the Arab Spring was more about the US State Department’s desire to create client states than supporting democratic reforms.

Première diffusion : 5 janvier 2015