Saison 1

30 épisodes

(3 h 30 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2


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Une nouvelle Allemagne (1933-1939)

S1 E1 Une nouvelle Allemagne (1933-1939)

Germany, a nation stricken by humiliating defeat and emerging from crippling economic depression, looks to one man for a resurgence of hope and dignity. That man is Adolf Hitler…

Première diffusion : 31 octobre 1973

Sur un fond de guerre (sept 1939 - mai 1940)

S1 E2 Sur un fond de guerre (sept 1939 - mai 1940)

In Eastern Europe, the full force of the Nazi machine rolls on - but in Britain, an uneasy calm settles on the nation. It is the 'phoney' war, with the sound of distant guns thundering ominously on the horizon…

Première diffusion : 7 novembre 1973

La chute de la France (mai - juin 1940)

S1 E3 La chute de la France (mai - juin 1940)

France discovers it is woefully unprepared for modern warfare as the Nazi war machine easily skirts around the Maginot Line. Britain retreats and prepares for invasion.

Première diffusion : 14 novembre 1973

Seule (mai 1940 - mai 1941)

S1 E4 Seule (mai 1940 - mai 1941)

After Dunkirk, Britain faces the German onslaught. Although the RAF wins the Battle of Britain, the cities are blitzed and on the continent the last Allies are conquered. The outlook is grim.

Première diffusion : 21 novembre 1973

Barbarossa (juin - déc 1941)

S1 E5 Barbarossa (juin - déc 1941)

After dominating southeastern Europe through force or intrigue, Germany begins Operation Barbarossa, the massive invasion of Soviet Union. Despite several quick victories, the invasion ultimately stalls after a failed assault on Moscow during Russia's harsh winter

Première diffusion : 28 novembre 1973

Les conquêtes nippones 'Banzaï' (Japon, 1931-1942)

S1 E6 Les conquêtes nippones 'Banzaï' (Japon, 1931-1942)

The rise of the Japanese Empire, the Sino-Japanese War, the Soviet-Japanese border conflicts, Pearl Harbor and the early Japanese successes in the fall of Malaya and Singapore. At war since 1931 on the Chinese mainland, the Japanese hope for easy victories over the British and Dutch. And then on December 7th 1941, Japan makes their infamous attack on Pearl Harbour.

Première diffusion : 5 décembre 1973

En route (USA, 1939-1942)

S1 E7 En route (USA, 1939-1942)

The opposition by various factions to the United States of America entry into the war, U-boat attacks on Atlantic convoys and America's gradiated responses, the mobilization of America after Pearl Harbor, the loss of the Philippines, the Doolittle Raid, Midway and Guadalcanal..

Première diffusion : 12 décembre 1973

La guerre du désert (Afrique du Nord, 1940-1943)

S1 E8 La guerre du désert (Afrique du Nord, 1940-1943)

For 2 years the 8th Army and Rommel's Afrika Corps fight in the wastes of North Africa. Finally the tide turns at El Alamein.

Première diffusion : 19 décembre 1973

Stalingrad (juin 1942 - fév 1943)

S1 E9 Stalingrad (juin 1942 - fév 1943)

Hitler's early successes in Russia made him reckless and he resolves to capture Stalingrad. The battle lasts six months with the Russians emerging as victors. The Wehrmacht never recovers.

Première diffusion : 2 janvier 1974

La meute des loups (U-Boat dans l'Atlantique, 1939-1944)

S1 E10 La meute des loups (U-Boat dans l'Atlantique, 1939-1944)

In a war of high technology and animal courage, the German U-Boats fight Allied merchantmen, hounding them in packs.

Première diffusion : 9 janvier 1974

Étoile rouge (L'Union Soviétique, 1941-1943)

S1 E11 Étoile rouge (L'Union Soviétique, 1941-1943)

For two years the Soviet Army fights the Germans almost alone. After one of the greatest land battles in history, the nation survives and triumphs - but with a loss of no less than twenty million of its people.

Première diffusion : 16 janvier 1974

L'Orage des flammes (Bombardements sur l'Allemagne, sept 1939 - avril 1944)

S1 E12 L'Orage des flammes (Bombardements sur l'Allemagne, sept 1939 - avril 1944)

Bomber Command begin bombing German cities by night and the Americans reinforce the attacks by day; a whirlwind of terror and destruction that will win the war.

Première diffusion : 23 janvier 1974

Plus dur qu'on ne pense (Italie, 1942 - juin 1944)

S1 E13 Plus dur qu'on ne pense (Italie, 1942 - juin 1944)

Churchill called Italy the 'soft underbelly of the crocodile' and thought the Allies could cut through it to the heart of Germany. But the soft underbelly turned out to be a 'tough old gut'.

Première diffusion : 30 janvier 1974

Demain il fera plus clair (Birmanie, 1942-1944)

S1 E14 Demain il fera plus clair (Birmanie, 1942-1944)

Vera Lynn sang of a lovely day tomorrow, but the war in Burma was mud and monsoon. Britain's largest army learned to master the jungle and fought the Japanese to standstill.

Première diffusion : 6 février 1974

La guerre des civils (Angleterre, 1940-1944)

S1 E15 La guerre des civils (Angleterre, 1940-1944)

Finding strength in unity at home in Britain during the war, it was a time of gas masks, Winston Churchill, Dig for Victory, evacuation, George Formby, the Land Army, ITMA, the Squander Bug and the Beveridge Report.

Première diffusion : 13 février 1974

La vie dans le Reich (Allemagne, 1940-1944)

S1 E16 La vie dans le Reich (Allemagne, 1940-1944)

Initial victory in Europe turns sour after the defeat at Stalingrad, yet Germany prepares to fight to the end - even after an assassination attempt on the Führer.

Première diffusion : 20 février 1974

Une certaine aube (juin - août 1944)

S1 E17 Une certaine aube (juin - août 1944)

The Western Allies resolve to invade Europe. England becomes a floating supply dump and the British and Americans assemble the largest invasion fleet in history. It is June 6th 1944 - D Day.

Première diffusion : 27 février 1974

L'Occupation (1940-1944)

S1 E18 L'Occupation (1940-1944)

Through a neutral country, Holland is attacked by Germany without warning in 1940. During the next four years, life carries on seemingly without incident, but underneath resistance never dies.

Première diffusion : 13 mars 1974

L'Étau (août 1944 - mars 1945)

S1 E19 L'Étau (août 1944 - mars 1945)

The end of the war appears close at hand with the liberation of Paris in 1944, but the British and Americans disagree on how to advance. Meanwhile, Poland suffers devastating losses to achieve victory.

Première diffusion : 20 mars 1974

Génocide (1941-1945)

S1 E20 Génocide (1941-1945)

The Nazi's are racist; the Aryans are a master race, others, particularly the Jews are sub-human. Himmler's SS sets about ridding Europe of millions of Jews.

Première diffusion : 27 mars 1974

À chacun son destin (fév - mai 1945)

S1 E21 À chacun son destin (fév - mai 1945)

Hitler retreats to the Fuhrer bunker is Berlin as Germany crumbles around him and his lieutenants abandon him to a fate of suicide. Meanwhile, the Russians raise the red flag in Berlin.

Première diffusion : 3 avril 1974

Le Japon (1941-1945)

S1 E22 Le Japon (1941-1945)

Initially apprehensive about the outcome of declaring war, the Japanese quickly turn to celebration with early victory. In the end, their worst fears are unimaginably exceeded.

Première diffusion : 10 avril 1974

La bataille du pacifique (fév 1942 - juil 1945)

S1 E23 La bataille du pacifique (fév 1942 - juil 1945)

The Americans fight their way across the Pacific towards Japan and the Philippines. Perhaps the bloodiest campaign of all, each island has to be taken by storm and the Japanese fight to the last man.

Première diffusion : 17 avril 1974

La bombe (fév - sept 1945)

S1 E24 La bombe (fév - sept 1945)

Western scientists have developed a new, immensely powerful weapon - the atomic bomb. On August 6th 1945, the Enola Gay delivers the world's first atomic bomb to Hiroshima. The world would be forever altered.

Première diffusion : 24 avril 1974

Le jugement (1945 et après)

S1 E25 Le jugement (1945 et après)

The war ends slowly and messily. Britain is victorious but exhausted and the super-powers confront each other as they decide the fate of Europe.

Première diffusion : 1 mai 1974


S1 E26 Souvenons-nous

For many the Second World War was the most significant experience of their lives. Heartbreaking first hand remembrances from a vast array of survivors on both sides of the war.

Première diffusion : 8 mai 1974

Auschwitz Part 1 **DUPLICATE OF S00E08**

S1 E27 Auschwitz Part 1 **DUPLICATE OF S00E08**

Auschwitz Part 2 **DUPLICATE OF S00E09**

S1 E28 Auschwitz Part 2 **DUPLICATE OF S00E09**

Warrior **DUPLICATE OF S00E06**

S1 E29 Warrior **DUPLICATE OF S00E06**

Hitler's Germany: The Peoples Community (1933-1939

S1 E30 Hitler's Germany: The Peoples Community (1933-1939

Première diffusion : 16 novembre 2010