Saison 1

26 épisodes

(150 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3


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La ceinture de feu - Première partie

S1 E1 La ceinture de feu - Première partie

Virgil et Gordon, bientôt rejoints par Scott, partent à la rescousse d'une équipe de chercheurs dont le laboratoire sous-marin est pris au piège dans un séisme marin. Ils s'aperçoivent alors qu'un déstabilisateur sismique est la cause de tremblements de terre sous-marins en chaîne et, avec l'aide de Lady Pénélope, découvrent rapidement que l'instigateur est The Hood. Après avoir provoqué des séismes marins dans l'Océan Antarctique, il promet d'en provoquer d'autres plus importants dans l'Océan Pacifique et de détruire toutes les villes situées le long de la Ceinture de feu.

Première diffusion : 4 avril 2015

La ceinture de feu - Deuxième partie

S1 E2 La ceinture de feu - Deuxième partie

Les tremblements de terre continuent. John et Brains doivent localiser les générateurs de séisme et les détruire avant que le Conseil Mondial ne cède au chantage de The Hood et lui remette les Thunderbirds. Entre-temps, Scott and Virgil se rendent à Taiwan où un séisme sous-marin a endommagé un capteur solaire, modifiant son orientation. S'ils n'interviennent pas à temps, le rayon généré par le capteur solaire risque de réduire la ville de Taipei en cendres.

Première diffusion : 4 avril 2015

Course spatiale

S1 E3 Course spatiale

Alan remplit son devoir d'éboueur de l'espace mais sa corvée prend une tournure dangereuse quand un des débris se révèle être une mine thermique qu'Alan active par mégarde. Programmé pour se verrouiller sur la signature thermique des engins spatiaux qu'elle rencontre, Alan tente de l'éloigner des autres vaisseaux, en attendant que John lui fournisse le code de désactivation de la mine. Mais il n'a que trente minutes avant que la charge nucléaire de la mine n'explose. Lady Pénélope et Parker interviennent alors pour trouver ce code dans une installation de stockage top-secrète à Londres.

Première diffusion : 11 avril 2015

Galeries croisées

S1 E4 Galeries croisées

Thunderbird 5 picks up an unusual radiation spike from a remote corner of Africa, and Scott rushes in with Thunderbird 1 to check it out. Using special equipment, Scott enters the mine and discovers the source to be a leak of unstable uranium. Moments later he is attacked by a mysterious woman who claims that the mine belongs to her family. During their confrontation, the mine begins to crumble - and Scott and she must find a way out.

Première diffusion : 18 avril 2015

À bord du Fireflash

S1 E5 À bord du Fireflash

Kayo is riding aboard Fireflash, a supersonic airliner invented by Brains, but she is unaware that its controls have been tampered with. International Rescue notices the plane has vanished from their monitors and attempt to locate it. Kayo realises that the plane is flying in the wrong direction, and manages to avoid a powerful gas attack that has knocked out both passengers and crew.

Première diffusion : 25 avril 2015


S1 E6 Déconnecté

An anti-technology group calling themselves The Luddites power up an electromagnetic pulse device underneath London, crippling everything that uses electricity. The result is a near catastrophe as the entire city shuts down. Virgil and Grandma Tracy must find and disable the device - with the help of Lady Penelope and Parker.

Première diffusion : 2 mai 2015

Train d'enfer

S1 E7 Train d'enfer

A strange malfunction occurs on a high-speed train in Japan, leaving it out of control and unable to stop. Brains comes up with a plan to fix the problem before a disastrous crash occurs - the only problem is that he will have to board the speeding engine himself to pull it off. Scott manages to get the genius on board, where they find the problem is more complicated than they thought.

Première diffusion : 9 mai 2015



A series of cascading equipment failures leads John to realise that rogue A.I. has gained control of Thunderbird 5. The programme is sending false monitor images to Tracy Island to deceive the other brothers. John finally gets through to Lady Penelope and informs her of the situation. Once the other brothers figure out what is going on, Alan is despatched in Thunderbird 3 to rescue John.

Première diffusion : 16 mai 2015

Mise en orbite

S1 E9 Mise en orbite

A malfunction at a mining operation sends an asteroid careening towards the sun, endangering crewman Ned Tedford. Alan and Kayo deploy Thunderbird 3 for the rescue mission, but a rogue solar flare knocks out their sensors. They land near the mine, and must find a way to alter the asteroid's trajectory so that it slingshots around the sun instead of crashing into it.

Première diffusion : 23 mai 2015

Les tunnels du temps

S1 E10 Les tunnels du temps

Lady Penelope, Parker and Gordon visit the Amazon desert, where an archaeologist shows them round an ancient temple. When they all become trapped inside, the academic refuses to let them call for help, fearing for his reputation - so the trio of heroes must put their wits to the task of finding an escape route.

Première diffusion : 24 mai 2015


S1 E11 Atmosphère

International Rescue scrambles all the flight-capable Thunderbirds to rescue the crew of CIR.R.U.S, a high-atmosphere weather station, now in danger due to the arrival of a fierce storm. TB1, TB2 and TB3 are quickly crippled by the conditions, and the only hope of salvaging the mission lies with TB5 - and John's ability to mount his most daring rescue ever.

Première diffusion : 6 juin 2015

Dans les abysses

S1 E12 Dans les abysses

A heavy metal extraction platform carrying toxic waste at the bottom of the ocean is in trouble. Gordon rushes in with Thunderbird 4 when a fire on board the rolling factory damages its steering capabilities. With the help of Lady Penelope and Parker on the surface, Gordon must rescue platform operator Ned Tedford and prevent the rig from spilling its waste.

Première diffusion : 13 juin 2015

Métaux lourds

S1 E13 Métaux lourds

Brains and Alan are on a visit to the Supreme Hadron Collider when a satellite begins to fall straight towards them. They are rescued in the nick of time by the arrival of Virgil in Thunderbird 2. Examining the evidence, the team decide that the malfunction was caused by a gravity well instigated by the collider itself. Things get even stickier when a commercial jet is caught in the pull of the gravity well and is in imminent danger of crashing. Can International Rescue shut down the collider in time to save the plane and its passengers?

Première diffusion : 20 juin 2015

Le ciel nous tombe sur la tête

S1 E14 Le ciel nous tombe sur la tête

Brains has invented a self-constructing luxury hotel which orbits around Earth. Unfortunately for its guests, the luxurious hotel in space begins to malfunction and the International Rescue team have to step in to avert a major disaster.

Première diffusion : 31 octobre 2015


S1 E15 Souvenir

Scott and Alan travel to the far side of the moon to rescue their father's best friend from a meteor shower.

Première diffusion : 7 novembre 2015


S1 E16 Accident

Virgil and Brains attempts to rescue a mining crew trapped inside a glacier, but the scientist in charge of the project refuses to leave.

Première diffusion : 14 novembre 2015

Le club du casse

S1 E17 Le club du casse

The Hood traps Lady Penelope and Parker inside an underwater hyper-loop train during a high stakes robbery.

Première diffusion : 21 novembre 2015

Ressource d'énergie

S1 E18 Ressource d'énergie

High in the Arctic, a machine designed to harness the energy of the aurora borealis has gone haywire. If not repaired, it could permanently disrupt the magnetic field protecting the Earth. Scott and Virgil answer the call, despite Virgil's insistence that they both need a break. Complicating matters is the fact that an atmospheric approach will be impossible, which forces Scott and Virgil to configure SKI PODS to get there in time. Scott admits the burden he feels as leader but the crisis is averted with Max's help.

Première diffusion : 28 novembre 2015


S1 E19 Extraction

A seismologist and his son alert the authorities to the presence of a rogue wildcat mining operation, only for the machinery to trigger an earthquake that swallows the equipment - along with the father and son. Gordon must attempt a daring underground rescue of the boy and his injured father, while Virgil has to find a way to shut down the out-of-control rig.

Première diffusion : 5 décembre 2015


S1 E20 L'expert

A scientist accidentally locks herself inside a vault which is being used to store unstable matter. There is only one person who has successfully broken into a vault like this - Parker. Colonel Casey of the GDF recruits Parker for the job but the safe cracker ends up locking himself and Lady Penelope inside. Virgil and Scott take the vault to an isolated area on Thunderbird 2. Now Parker and Penelope must try and free themselves before the anti-matter explodes.

Première diffusion : 12 décembre 2015

Chasseurs de comètes

S1 E21 Chasseurs de comètes

It is 2060 and once again Halley's Comet is passing close to Earth. A businessman and his personal assistant fly up to chase the comet but end up sending out a distress call. Alan and Scott have to rescue them in Thunderbird 3.

Première diffusion : 19 décembre 2015

Conducteur désigné

S1 E22 Conducteur désigné

Parker gives Alan driving lessons at the Creighton-‐Ward estate in FAB0 while Lady Penelope has tea with her great aunt Sylvia. Progress is slow until a pair of bumbling intruders attempt to kidnap the ladies. FAB1 is the only vehicle that can reach them in time. Parker is injured and cannot drive so Alan has to conquer his fear and rescue them.

Première diffusion : 26 décembre 2015

Chaîne de commandement

S1 E23 Chaîne de commandement

During a joint operation between International Rescue and the Global Defence Force, a series of mishaps nearly ends in disaster. In the wake of the botched mission, Colonel Martin Janus takes over the GDF, imposing a strict set of restrictions on International Rescue. As Lady Penelope and Parker attempt to reason with the colonel, they begin to realise that he is not quite what he seems - then it becomes apparent that he really is an imposter working for the Hood.

Première diffusion : 2 janvier 2016

Panique dans les airs

S1 E24 Panique dans les airs

In the Arizona desert there is a facility known as CATCH, from where all air traffic in North America is controlled. Scott and Virgil handle a rescue mission involving a mid-air plane collision while Kayo infiltrates the bunker with the help of Thunderbird Shadow. Then Kayo realises that this is all part of a much bigger plan by the Hood.

Première diffusion : 9 janvier 2016


S1 E25 Sous-couverture

An undercover sting operation involving Lady Penelope, Kayo and a heavily disguised Parker gets blown prematurely by the GDF and Parker is taken prisoner by the panicking thief Banino. Banino takes off in a stolen GDF flyer with Kayo in pursuit in Thunderbird Shadow. It all ends in a crash landing in a factory - and International Rescue intervene. Scott, in Thunderbird 1, rescues one of the factory workers and Lady Penelope saves Parker. Kayo goes after Banino - but finds herself being blackmailed.

Première diffusion : 16 janvier 2016

L'heure des aveux

S1 E26 L'heure des aveux

A number of carefully staged disasters require the full attention of everyone at International Rescue. Kayo discovers that the Hood is behind these acts of terrorism and has actually infiltrated Tracy Island. To make matters worse, the Hood has rigged up explosive devices to bring down the Thunderbird craft - and now he reveals his shocking secret to the Tracy brothers.

Première diffusion : 23 janvier 2016