Voyage vers Agartha
Voyage vers Agartha

Long-métrage d'animation de Makoto Shinkai (2011)

Fansub(?) vu sur YouTube.

Une aventure décente mais sans inspiration, évoquant un peu trop non le studio Ghibli mais Miyazaki lui-même. Ce qui le met à part est le thème principal, on peut même estimer que c'est une bonne chose que Shinkai ait tenté de faire son truc habituel sous un autre angle pour une fois. Mais il raconte cela d'une manière assez longue et capillotractée.
Certaines scènes d'action semblent avoir été intégrées uniquement pour assurer le spectacle, notamment le combat de lames vers la fin.
En ce qui concerne le "problème Ghibli", je préfère ne pas considérer cela comme du plagiat ou le signe d'un manque d'idées. Au contraire, la quantité de références est si élevée et celles-ci sont si proches de leurs modèles que je vois cela comme un hommage. After recognizing the village's elder as imitating Nausicaä's old man, I even saw Miyazaki himself in him. The mythical creatures decaying came straight out from Mononoke-hime too, like a certain horse scene. The fall into water is my favourite in the lot: it was a pleasure to remember about the heroine's skyfall in Laputa's opening.

Visually, there is little to say specific to this film, it was "standard Shinkai". I had the impression that the landscapes digital paintings showed a slight evolution in terms of colours or effects (unless it's simply due to the change of setting). And the character-design is a good departure from his "usual" style, too bad they end up also too close of Miyazaki father and son's style. The animation, on the other hand, was excellent and a good improvement on something like Kumo no mukô.

Enjoyment: 4/5 (probably more rewatchable than the creator's previous works)
Score: 6,55/10
A love letter to Ghibli with its own theme, technically good.
Overall the same level than Kumo no Mukô, but with different problems.

This movie is a proof that Shinkai has little to tell (like other creators) but at least tries. I wonder if he has learned about conveying a story between this film and the next one.

Answer: not really...

I kind of laughed when it was revealed people as recent as XXth dictators and Napoleon went underground with their armies when it 's supposed to be a forgotten land. And it was a bit dumb to use the real world as starting point only to add a fictional european war in the 60s (there were enough armed conflicts in the XXth to pick up one).

What is the meaning of the professor staying behind? Wasn't the story about him overcoming his mourning? I don't get the need of making him a foreigner standing with an outcast boy.
Also, there could have been more of a dilemma for the hero when the time of the reincarnation came.

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le 11 janv. 2020

Critique lue 87 fois

1 j'aime

1 commentaire

Rei Ayanami

Écrit par

Critique lue 87 fois


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