From start Einer was hiding this facade from his wife and was living quite a normal life...of course he didn’t go away with his temptations when Lili suddenly comes back on the surface, and into his love life of course.
A beautiful and spectacular movie about transgender and explaining simply how people don’t feel they belong into their assigned bodies.
Somehow his wife took care of him and even accepted when he decided to get surgery. She supported him and I believe that is how some people in our era should be.
Supporting others. Make love not war.

Écrit par


le 26 oct. 2018

Critique lue 120 fois

Critique lue 120 fois

D'autres avis sur Danish Girl

Danish Girl

Critique de Danish Girl par ffred

Pour être honnête, j'y suis allé un peu à reculons. Je craignais beaucoup pour deux raisons : le réalisateur Tom Hooper, et l’horripilante, mais oscarisée, interprétation de Eddie Redmayne pour Une...

le 12 janv. 2016

51 j'aime


Danish Girl

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le 19 janv. 2016

42 j'aime


Danish Girl

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