Cover "Livres que j'ai aimés" | Osho Rajneesh

"Livres que j'ai aimés" | Osho Rajneesh

Livres recommandés par Osho à ses disciples. On retrouve dans cette liste des philosophes, des mystiques, des scientifiques, des poètes, des romanciers.

La liste originelle comporte en tout 167 livres. L'auteur dont les livres ...

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63 livres

créee il y a presque 9 ans · modifiée il y a environ 2 ans

Hsin Hsin Ming

Hsin Hsin Ming

Sortie : 1996 (France). Poésie, Essai

livre de Seng Ts'an

Luigi a mis 10/10.

Annotation :

"It is such a beautiful book, each word is golden. I cannot conceive of a single word that could be deleted. It is exactly that which is needed, required, to say the truth. Sosan must have been a tremendously logical man, at least while he was writing his HSIN HSIN MING."

Catégories - De l'interprétation

Catégories - De l'interprétation

Organon I et II

Essai, Philosophie

livre de Aristote

Annotation :

(Pas seulement I et II : L'Organon intégral)
Ce livre fait partie du 3 top d'Osho avec les deux ouvrages ci-dessous.

Novum Organum

Novum Organum (1620)

Indications sur l'interprétation de la nature

Novum organum scientiarum : Indicia de interpretatione naturae

Sortie : 7 juillet 2010 (France). Essai, Philosophie

livre de Francis Bacon

Tertium Organum

Tertium Organum (1912)

Sortie : 1912. Philosophie

livre de Petr Demianovitch Ouspensky

Annotation :

"TERTIUM ORGANUM was a costly book. In India, in those days, I was getting a salary of only seventy rupees each month, and by coincidence the book cost exactly seventy rupees – but I purchased it. The bookseller was amazed. He said, ”Even the richest man in our community cannot
afford it. For five years I have been keeping it to sell, and nobody has purchased it. People come and look at it, then drop the idea of buying. How can you, a poor student, working the whole day and studying at night, working almost twenty-four hours each day, how can you afford it?” I said, ”This book I can purchase even if I have to pay for it with my life. Just reading the first line is enough. I have to have it whatsoever the cost.”

Commentaires sur la vie

Commentaires sur la vie


Sortie : 28 octobre 2015 (France). Essai

livre de Krishnamurti

Annotation :

"Yet to just read it is enough to transport you to another world - the world of beauty, or far better, beautitude. I've not read for some time, but just the mention of this book is enough to bring tears to my eyes. I love this book. It is one of the greatest books ever written."

Écoute, petit homme !

Écoute, petit homme !

Rede an den kleinen Mann

Sortie : 1 janvier 1948 (France). Essai, Culture & société

livre de Wilhelm Reich

Annotation :

"This book should be meditated upon by all my sannyasins. I recommend it without any conditions at all."

Alexis Zorba

Alexis Zorba

Βίος και Πολιτεία του Αλέξη Ζορμπά

Sortie : 1946 (France). Roman

livre de Níkos Kazantzákis

Luigi a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

"ZORBA THE GREEK is a masterpiece. It is one of my love affairs. I love strange people. Zorba is a very strange man – not even a real man, only fictitious, but to me he has become almost a reality because he represents Epicurus, Charvaka, and all the materialists of the world. He not only represents them, but represents them in their best form."



Sortie : juin 1997 (France).

livre de R. Assagioli

Annotation :

"Sigmund Freud has done great work in creating psychoanalysis, but it is only half. The other half is PSYCHOSYNTHESIS done by Assagioli.

He should be read by all sannyasins. It is not that he is right and Freud is wrong; both are wrong taken separately. They are right only when they are put together."

Le Prophète

Le Prophète (1923)

The Prophet

Sortie : 1926 (France). Essai, Poésie

livre de Khalil Gibran

Annotation :

"Kahlil Gibran wrote his masterpiece THE PROPHET when he was only eighteen years old, and struggled his whole life to create something better but could not."

Recherches philosophiques

Recherches philosophiques

Philosophische Untersuchungen

Sortie : 1953 (France). Essai, Philosophie

livre de Ludwig Wittgenstein

Annotation :

"It was posthumously published as PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATIONS. It is really a penetrating study of all the profound problems of man.

I have loved it, its clarity, transparency, its impeccable rationality. I loved it all and all, and I would like everyone on the path to go through it..."

Le sable et l'écume, et autres poèmes

Le sable et l'écume, et autres poèmes

Sortie : octobre 2008 (France). Poésie

livre de Khalil Gibran

Annotation :

Note : Le véritable livre auquel Osho fait référence est "Prose poems"

"Nobody in the modern world, except Rabindranath Tagore, can write such prose poetry."

Les Carnets du sous-sol

Les Carnets du sous-sol (1864)

(traduction André Markowicz)

Zapiski iz podpol'ia

Sortie : 1992 (France). Roman

livre de Fiodor Dostoïevski

Luigi a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

"It is a very strange book, as strange as the man was. Just notes -- like Devageet's notes, fragmentary, on the surface unrelated to each other, but really related with an undercurrent of aliveness. It has to be meditated upon. I cannot say anything more than this. It is one of the most ignored great works of art."


Résurrection (1899)


Sortie : 1899. Roman

livre de Léon Tolstoï

Luigi a mis 9/10.

Annotation :

"Tolstoy really loved Jesus and love is magic, particularly because when you love someone time disappears. Tolstoy loved Jesus so much that they become contemporaries. The gap is big, two thousand years, but it disappears between Tolstoy and Jesus. It rarely happens, very very rarely, that's why I used to carry that book in my hand. I no longer carry that book in my hand, but in my heart it is still there."

Guerre et Paix

Guerre et Paix (1867)

(traduction Elisabeth Guertik)

Война и мир (Voyna i mir)

Sortie : 1953 (France). Roman, Aventures, Histoire

livre de Léon Tolstoï

Luigi a mis 10/10.

Annotation :

" One of the greatest in all the languages of the world, WAR AND PEACE. Not only the greatest but also the most voluminous... thousands of pages. I don't know that anybody reads such books except myself. They are so big, so vast, they make you afraid.
But Tolstoy's book has to be vast, it is not his fault. WAR AND PEACE is the whole history of human consciousness -- the whole history; it cannot be written on a few pages. Yes, it is difficult to read thousands of pages, but if one can one will be transported to another world. One will know the taste of something classic. Yes, it is a classic. "

Anna Karénine

Anna Karénine (1878)

(Traduction Henri Mongault)

Anna Karenina

Sortie : 1936 (France). Roman

livre de Léon Tolstoï

Luigi a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"Leo Tolstoy’s ANNA KARENINA, a small but immensely beautiful novel. You must wonder why I should include a novel in my list. Just because I am crazy! I like all kinds of things. ANNA KARENINA is one of my most loved books. How many times I have read it I can’t remember. I mean the number of times – I remember the book perfectly well, I can relate the whole book."

Lust For Life

Lust For Life

Sortie : 22 janvier 2015 (France).

livre de Irving Stone

Annotation :

"It is a novel based on the life of Vincent van Gogh. Stone has done such a tremendous work that I don't remember anybody else doing the same. Nobody has written so intimately about somebody else, as if he is writing from his very own being. "

Histoire de la philosophie occidentale

Histoire de la philosophie occidentale

A History of Western Philosophy

Sortie : 1959 (France). Essai, Philosophie

livre de Bertrand Russell

Luigi a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

"Nobody had previously done such a work as far as Western philosophy is concerned. Only a philosopher could do it. Historians have tried, and there are many histories of philosophy, but none of the historians was a philosopher. This is the first time a philosopher of the category of Bertrand Russell has also written a history -- THE HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY. And he is so sincere that he does not call it THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, because he knows perfectly well that he knows nothing of Eastern philosophy."

Rencontres avec des hommes remarquables

Rencontres avec des hommes remarquables (1960)

Vstreči s zamečatelʹnymi ljudʹmi

Sortie : décembre 2008 (France). Essai

livre de Georges Gurdjieff

Luigi a mis 10/10.

Annotation :

"Gurdjieff wrote this book MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN as a memoir. It is a tremendously respectful memory to all those strange people he had met in his life -- Sufis, Indian mystics, Tibetan lamas, Japanese Zen monks. I must mention to you that he did not write of them all; he left many out of the account for the simple reason that the book was going to be in the marketplace and it had to fulfill the demands of the market.

This is a book that should be studied, not just read. In English you don't have a word for 'path'; it is a Hindi word wich means reading and reading the same thing every day for your whole life. It is repeating joyously, so joyously that it penetrates to your very heart, so it becomes your breathing. It takes a lifetime, and that's what is needed if you want to understand real books, books like Gurdjieff's Meetings with Remarkable Men."

Cinq leçons sur la psychanalyse

Cinq leçons sur la psychanalyse (1910)

suivi de Contribution à l'histoire du mouvement psychanalytique

Über Psychoanalyse

Sortie : 1910. Essai, Psychologie

livre de Sigmund Freud

Annotation :

"His great work is LECTURES ON PSYCHOANALYSIS. I don't like the word analysis, nor do I like the man, but he managed to create a great movement just like Karl Marx. He is also one of the dominant figures of the world."

Les Récits hassidiques, tome 2

Les Récits hassidiques, tome 2

Sortie : 21 novembre 1996 (France). Essai

livre de Martin Buber

Annotation :

"TALES OF HASSIDISM should be read by all seekers of truth. These tales, small stories, have such a flavor. It is different from Zen, it is also different from Sufism. It has its own flavor, unborrowed from anyone, uncopied, unimitated. The Hassid loves, laughs, dances."

La Première et la Dernière Liberté

La Première et la Dernière Liberté (1954)

Sortie : 1955 (France). Essai

livre de Jiddu Krishnamurti

Annotation :

"This was his first book after his enlightenment, and the last too. Although many other books have
appeared they are only poor repetitions of the same. He has not been able to create anything better

Le Mythe de Sisyphe

Le Mythe de Sisyphe (1942)

Essai sur l'absurde

Sortie : 1942 (France). Essai, Philosophie

livre de Albert Camus

Annotation :

"I am not a religious man in the ordinary sense; I am religious in my own way. So people will wonder why I am including books which are not religious. They are, but you have to dig deep, and then you will find their religiosity."

L'homme et son évolution possible

L'homme et son évolution possible

Sortie : 19 octobre 2009 (France). Essai

livre de Petr Demianovitch Ouspensky

Annotation :

"The Psychology of man's possible evolution"

Notre vie avec Gurdjieff

Notre vie avec Gurdjieff

Sortie : 5 février 2004 (France). Récit

livre de O.DE Hartmann et T.DE Hartmann

Annotation :

"It will be helpful to anyone who is on the way."

Tractatus logico-philosophicus

Tractatus logico-philosophicus (1921)

(traduction de Gilles-Gaston Granger)

Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung

Sortie : 1921 (France). Essai, Philosophie

livre de Ludwig Wittgenstein

Annotation :

"This is for the real adepts in madness, who have gone beyond all psychiatry, psychoanalysis, who are unhelpable. It is one of the most difficult books in existence. This book is only gymnastics. Only for a while after pages and pages you may come across a sentence which is luminous."

Être et Temps

Être et Temps (1927)

(traduction François Vézin)

Sein und Zeit

Sortie : 12 novembre 1986 (France). Essai, Philosophie

livre de Martin Heidegger

Annotation :

"If you're really advanced in your madness, read TIME AND BEING. It is absolutely un-understandable. It will hit you like a hammer on the head. But there are a few beautiful glimpses in it. Yes, when somebody hits you on the head with a hammer, even during the day you start seeing stars. This book is just like that : there are a few stars in it."

Jésus, fils de l'homme

Jésus, fils de l'homme

Sortie : mai 2008 (France). Essai

livre de Khalil Gibran

Annotation :

"It is one of the books which is almost ignored. The book related different people's stories about Jesus... and the stories are so beautiful. Each story needs to be meditated upon."

Le Fou

Le Fou

The madman


livre de Khalil Gibran

Annotation :

"I am the madman about whom he is talking. He talks so meaningfully, so authentically about the very innermost core of the madman. And this madman is no ordinary madman, but a Buddha, a Rinzai, a Kabir."

Le livre de Mirdad

Le livre de Mirdad (1948)

Un phare et un havre

Sortie : 10 octobre 1996 (France). Roman

livre de Mikhail Naimy

Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra

Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra (1885)

(traduction Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt)

Also sprach Zarathustra : Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen

Sortie : 1885. Essai, Philosophie, Poésie

livre de Friedrich Nietzsche

Annotation :

"A few pieces in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s BROTHERS KARAMAZOV are pure poetry, and so are even a few pieces from that madman Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA. Even if Nietzsche had not written anything else but THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA he would have served
humanity immensely, profoundly – more cannot be expected from any man – because Zarathustra had been almost forgotten. It was Nietzsche who brought him back, who again gave him birth, a resurrection. THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA is going to be the bible of the future."


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