Fiche technique

Auteur :

Tristan Tzara
Genre : Poésie

Illustrateur :

Hans Arp
Date de publication (pays d'origine) : Parution France : 1920ISBN : 978-2-916275-01-0

Résumé : Cinéma calendrier is the most fully accomplished example of the Dadaist book thanks to Arp’s nineteen woodcuts, their varied layout on the page and the balance of text and image. One would be tempted to call it wisdom. The revolutionaries however haven’t laid down their arms: they ask for the participation of the reader, sometimes even with violence. We remain confused in the midst of Arp’s black shapes offered as a humoristic contrast to the portraits of Dadaist friends (Soupault, Breton, Eluard, Aragon, Arp, Picabia, Ribemont-Dessaignes…), painted by Tzara with a remarkable acuity.